Spare Wheel shock



VIP Member
T5 SE 180 4Motion
Yesterday i noticed my spare wheel was missing someone has stolen it why are they so easy to steal? it is now going to cost me £160 for a replacement i wish vw could come up with a better way of securing them. Any ideas maybe a padlock and chain
Yesterday i noticed my spare wheel was missing someone has stolen it why are they so easy to steal? it is now going to cost me £160 for a replacement i wish vw could come up with a better way of securing them. Any ideas maybe a padlock and chain
SpareSafe from the club shop
We had ours stolen in the Lake District, did not realise until a week later , we had the VW locking bolt on it too !!!
We had ours stolen in the Lake District, did not realise until a week later , we had the VW locking bolt on it too !!!
Did you have a sparesafe ? i am a bit confused
Thanks i will take a look i wonder what happens to all the spare wheels that are stolen?
No did not even know about the sparesafe until after the event !! Apparently without a spare safe it’s very easy to remove the locking bolt with a pair of grips
We had a second one taken with a very heavy on
They cut through the frame holding the wheel in place

VW California Club
