GC 600 Electrical- Dead inThe Water...



T6.1 Ocean 204 4 motion
My GC 600 has had a faulty leisure battery since I took delivery (slightly used, 4000 km) in April. I was able to use and enjoy the camper all summer, albeit with short periods of power when off-grid. The solar panel didn't seem to help. My thoroughly incompetent VW dealer in Valencia finally relented and got VW to cover a replacement battery.

I picked up the van today and I can see that there is a new battery but now all leisure electric is completely dead. Zero charge, zero operability.

- The panel shows 0%. It does not even give the low-power re-charge warning.
- The power indicator does not show the "charging" icon (the lines on the meter scrolling up) when the van in is in motion OR when connected to shore power.
- The button in the driver area that increases the charge when idling does not illuminate nor does the engine rev higher.
- Once again, nothing electrical inside, nor the retractable step, is operable.

The dealer is throwing his arms in the air. I have reset the main power switch (from red to green) and reset all of the breakers. I doubt that there would be a fuse for the entire electrical path.

Any ideas would be much appreciated. I will find another dealer (probably not in Spain, it's been a nightmare from south to north) but it would be great to have some usability en route...


Start with a multimeter set to volts. Try readings of the battery, the main breaker etc.
Good idea. Hopefully I can see where the power stops flowing. Thanks.
Also worth noting that the Zero % indicator is not Red...
Check the socket is plugged in all the way to what I believe is the charger control unit under the passenger seat (in the UK ie right hand drive) might be your driver seat. Sometimes comes discounted. Would turn off ignition, pull out the plug wait 1 minute push it back in, and see. Fingers crossed.

Good luck.
Yours seems quite rare as looks like you have the blue tooth rear speakers?
Start with a multimeter set to volts. Try readings of the battery, the main breaker etc.

Agree with this. Try and measure the actual voltage at the leisure battery (which is the one under the bonnet) and see if it is actually 5v as said on the control panel picture.

Also, if you place it on hookup at home, see if the voltage at the battery changes (it should jump to >13v as it tries to charge). Also see if any systems come on when you do place it on hookup.
Check the socket is plugged in all the way to what I believe is the charger control unit under the passenger seat (in the UK ie right hand drive) might be your driver seat. Sometimes comes discounted. Would turn off ignition, pull out the plug wait 1 minute push it back in, and see. Fingers crossed.

Good luck.
Thank you very much. I will check that and post the results if it does the trick.
Does anyone know and care to share some wisdom regarding the general electrical path in a GC?

I'm wondering why I cannot power-up the leisure systems from neither outside AC or the battery- which again doesn't seem to be connected to the engine. Is there a common point where the battery and the shore power meet? Seems that Jester's mentioning of the "charger control unit" could be that spot. Or maybe it has to do with a malfunctioning control panel? Factory reset?

I'm going to get a multi-meter today to check voltage at various points along the path so if anyone can suggest said points to check, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again.
My GC 600 has had a faulty leisure battery since I took delivery (slightly used, 4000 km) in April. I was able to use and enjoy the camper all summer, albeit with short periods of power when off-grid. The solar panel didn't seem to help. My thoroughly incompetent VW dealer in Valencia finally relented and got VW to cover a replacement battery.

I picked up the van today and I can see that there is a new battery but now all leisure electric is completely dead. Zero charge, zero operability.

- The panel shows 0%. It does not even give the low-power re-charge warning.
- The power indicator does not show the "charging" icon (the lines on the meter scrolling up) when the van in is in motion OR when connected to shore power.
- El botón en el área del conductor que aumenta la carga en ralentí no se ilumina ni el motor acelera.
- Una vez más, nada eléctrico en el interior, ni el escalón retráctil, es operable.

El comerciante lanza los brazos al aire. Reinicié el interruptor de alimentación principal (de rojo a verde) y reinicié todos los disyuntores. Dudo que haya un fusible para toda la ruta eléctrica.

Cualquier idea sería muy apreciada. Encontraré otro distribuidor (probablemente no en España, ha sido una pesadilla de sur a norte) pero sería genial tener algo de usabilidad en el camino ...


View attachment 87081
Buenas tardes, 1 verifica el enchufe debajo del asiento del conductor, en el cargador.
para reemplazar bateria es posible que se haya quitado el fusible de la bateria (hay que quitarla para ves si esta todo ok)
3 desconectar el interruptor bajo volante el KFG durante 2 minutos.... cruzar dedos y volver a probar.
My GC 600 has had a faulty leisure battery since I took delivery (slightly used, 4000 km) in April. I was able to use and enjoy the camper all summer, albeit with short periods of power when off-grid. The solar panel didn't seem to help. My thoroughly incompetent VW dealer in Valencia finally relented and got VW to cover a replacement battery.

I picked up the van today and I can see that there is a new battery but now all leisure electric is completely dead. Zero charge, zero operability.

- The panel shows 0%. It does not even give the low-power re-charge warning.
- The power indicator does not show the "charging" icon (the lines on the meter scrolling up) when the van in is in motion OR when connected to shore power.
- The button in the driver area that increases the charge when idling does not illuminate nor does the engine rev higher.
- Once again, nothing electrical inside, nor the retractable step, is operable.

The dealer is throwing his arms in the air. I have reset the main power switch (from red to green) and reset all of the breakers. I doubt that there would be a fuse for the entire electrical path.

Any ideas would be much appreciated. I will find another dealer (probably not in Spain, it's been a nightmare from south to north) but it would be great to have some usability en route...


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Have you tried the blue connector under dash behind the glove compartment? Check my post from link below.

Buenas tardes, 1 verifica el enchufe debajo del asiento del conductor, en el cargador. OK
para reemplazar bateria es posible que se haya quitado el fusible de la bateria (hay que quitarla para ves si esta todo ok) QUITAR LA BATERIA ??
3 desconectar el interruptor bajo volante el KFG durante 2 minutos.... ¿PUEDE USTED EXPLICAR POR FAVOR? KFG?

cruzar dedos y volver a probar.
Have you tried the blue connector under dash behind the glove compartment? Check my post from link below.

Will do. Thank you very much.
Will do. Thank you very much.
That thread is SUPER USEFUL. Big thanks. The van is back at the dealer but I doubt they will figure it out. I will use this info tomorrow when I presumably get it back.
I got the van back from the dealer today. It's clear to me that they will not solve this problem. The learning curve is too steep for a vehicle that they will rarely see.

I tried almost everything everyone suggested. I cannot get the panel to "swipe" to the settings page, no matter how many times I try.

I found two blue connectors under the glove box so I disconnected/reconnected them both as suggested. This helped a bit.

I still can't see the actual battery level. It says zero but the refrigerator is working, along with the led strip lights and the heater. Still no water pump, lights or step.

I have no idea if shore power is kicking in. I don't hear the relay when I switch it on.

The button on the dashboard that increases the revs to charge the battery is still inoperable. I don't need it but I think fixing that might solve some other problems.

(And boy, does this van have a lot of fuses. I found a fuse box under the driver's seat that I didn't know existed. So I guess there are fuses under the seat, in the rear and at the dashboard.)

Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I got the van back from the dealer today. It's clear to me that they will not solve this problem. The learning curve is too steep for a vehicle that they will rarely see.

I tried almost everything everyone suggested. I cannot get the panel to "swipe" to the settings page, no matter how many times I try.

I found two blue connectors under the glove box so I disconnected/reconnected them both as suggested. This helped a bit.

I still can't see the actual battery level. It says zero but the refrigerator is working, along with the led strip lights and the heater. Still no water pump, lights or step.

I have no idea if shore power is kicking in. I don't hear the relay when I switch it on.

The button on the dashboard that increases the revs to charge the battery is still inoperable. I don't need it but I think fixing that might solve some other problems.

(And boy, does this van have a lot of fuses. I found a fuse box under the driver's seat that I didn't know existed. So I guess there are fuses under the seat, in the rear and at the dashboard.)

Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Try disconnecting all of the above and leaving it over night.
Buenas tardes, 1 verifica el enchufe debajo del asiento del conductor, en el cargador.
para reemplazar bateria es posible que se haya quitado el fusible de la bateria (hay que quitarla para ves si esta todo ok)
3 desconectar el interruptor bajo volante el KFG durante 2 minutos.... cruzar dedos y volver a probar.
Can you tell me where the "KFG Switch" is located?
¿Puede decirme dónde se encuentra el "KFG Switch"?
My GC 600 has had a faulty leisure battery since I took delivery (slightly used, 4000 km) in April. I was able to use and enjoy the camper all summer, albeit with short periods of power when off-grid. The solar panel didn't seem to help. My thoroughly incompetent VW dealer in Valencia finally relented and got VW to cover a replacement battery.

I picked up the van today and I can see that there is a new battery but now all leisure electric is completely dead. Zero charge, zero operability.

- The panel shows 0%. It does not even give the low-power re-charge warning.
- The power indicator does not show the "charging" icon (the lines on the meter scrolling up) when the van in is in motion OR when connected to shore power.
- The button in the driver area that increases the charge when idling does not illuminate nor does the engine rev higher.
- Once again, nothing electrical inside, nor the retractable step, is operable.

The dealer is throwing his arms in the air. I have reset the main power switch (from red to green) and reset all of the breakers. I doubt that there would be a fuse for the entire electrical path.

Any ideas would be much appreciated. I will find another dealer (probably not in Spain, it's been a nightmare from south to north) but it would be great to have some usability en route...


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Check with your VW dealer that they have coded your new battery to your vehicle or it will not charge. My VW dealer technician found this when he changed a battery on a GC 600 after a call to VW technical support he was informed about coding the battery to the vehicle this will be your problem. Not many people are aware of this not even VW dealership technicians. Hope this helps
This is VERY useful. If any dealer technician would be "unaware," it would be this one. Do You know if the coding of the battery was an involved process or do you think any dealer can easily do it? I can't thank you enough.
This is VERY useful. If any dealer technician would be "unaware," it would be this one. Do You know if the coding of the battery was an involved process or do you think any dealer can easily do it? I can't thank you enough.
It can be done in the dealership they need to update the software with the new leisure battery code so that the van recognises the battery, the same applies if a new main vehicle battery is fitted.
Thanks a million. They may not be capable. (I'm serious, they've done more damage than good.) but I'll find a dealer who can :)

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