The Caravan, Camping and Motorhome Show

No, “on the door “ tickets either…
I tried to book some camp sites for summer last week, absolutely hopeless.
Everywhere is booked up…:(
I would imagine ticket numbers have been reduced this year.
They have but not by much. Previous years, tickets were restricted to 25k per day. They never got close to that except on the weekend. Week day numbers were closer to 8k. This year, tickets were capped at 19.6k and as you know have all sold out.
All a bit of a disaster for them really, IMHO. I hummed and hawed a few weeks ago when there were tickets and due to that lost out, my fault. But the way the site and the resale is being handled is a bit of a disaster. There are never any fan to fan tickets on the official site, although most of these events have a 10% no show, and the Facebook page is awash with scammers selling tickets that do not exists, some at 70 a head, which they are doing very little to manage and moderate. Shame really, a little bit of forward management and realism could have helped protect their brand and allowed a limited release of extra/unused tickets.
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They have but not by much. Previous years, tickets were restricted to 25k per day. They never got close to that except on the weekend. Week day numbers were closer to 8k. This year, tickets were capped at 19.6k and as you know have all sold out.
We went yesterday and it was very busy.
The car parks were a sea of ‘great whites’ - do people camp there overnight? :) :)
Was there yesterday as well. Very busy early on, Car parking was in the boonies. The crowds thinned out very early after 3pm. No overnight parking was allowed, kind of ironic really.
We were there yesterday, it did go fairly quiet after lunch, There was an impressive collection of converters with some lovely Transporters.

What I don't understand, is why so many of the visitors brought their motorhomes. the carpark was full of them.
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Was there yesterday as well. Very busy early on, Car parking was in the boonies. The crowds thinned out very early after 3pm. No overnight parking was allowed, kind of ironic really.
Same here - car park N5.
We left long before 3pm. Overdosed on motorhomes and the pub was beckoning :)

We were there yesterday, it did go fairly quiet after lunch, There was an impressive collection converters with some lovely Transporters.

What I don't understand, is why so many of the visitors brought their motorhomes. the carpark was full of them.
Agree, we liked some of the Hillside Transporter conversions. Nice colour options too.

Our car park was quite tight so many of the motorhomes would have been ‘trapped’ for a while :) :)
We went yesterday too. We didn't really go round the vehicles, just the stalls. It was our first time and having been to other shows there I didn't feel it was too busy but definitely got quieter in the afternoon. Bought a few bits and pieces but nothing to get too excited about. Came away with a few ideas, glad we went.
Will pop in this Friday, looking for floor mats. As I have a good business links with Korean floor mat manufacturers, may be I come up with good ideas! ;-)
We were there yesterday, it did go fairly quiet after lunch, There was an impressive collection of converters with some lovely Transporters.

What I don't understand, is why so many of the visitors brought their motorhomes. the carpark was full of them.

Ive turned up in one previously:
Bought something big how else do I get it home? I would struggle to get 4 people & a big awning or table / chairs in even our biggest car.
Possibly trading it in, dealer needs to see it.
Its a day out on the way too / from somewhere else.
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Lots spend a few days there, so they go in motorhomes and campers then stay on near by campsites. Either that or don’t want to pay the stupid prices for a cuppa and lunch!
We couldn't go but understand how many still want staycations. Tried to book for Loch Ness shores a couple of months ago for June and no dates. Going with cmc at a site 5 miles or so away, but no showers or toilets, thank goodness for the porta potti...?
We couldn't go but understand how many still want staycations. Tried to book for Loch Ness shores a couple of months ago for June and no dates. Going with cmc at a site 5 miles or so away, but no showers or toilets, thank goodness for the porta potti...?

Welcome to camping 2022.
It’s gonna be dire…
We couldn't go but understand how many still want staycations. Tried to book for Loch Ness shores a couple of months ago for June and no dates. Going with cmc at a site 5 miles or so away, but no showers or toilets, thank goodness for the porta potti...?
Yes, very busy which is a good litmus test for the demand. I guess booking sites in the summer months might be a challenge but so far we’ve had no issues when booking in February, March, April and May.

On the plus side, all this demand might mean the value of our Californias is unlikely to fall in the foreseeable future :)

VW California Club
