Obtaining an EU dog passport

Why would they? We left, remember
Might change their collective or French mind when the EU Pet Passport is no longer acceptable.
To get my EU passport I had to pass a language test, also
an exam.
I hope dogs have to do the same thing, wuff wuff - vuf vuf :)
No but it’s not unreasonable to expect them to behave like grownups and to just do what’s easiest and best for everyone instead of behaving like spoilt brats.

I don’t suppose the EU see it that way. Why would they treat GB differently from other countries outside their jurisdiction?

San Marino, Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Vatican City State, Switzerland, Norway, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Gibraltar and Northern Ireland all fall under the EU’s jurisdiction to some extent. GB (not inc. NI) doesn’t.

So to allow GB to remain part of the EU’s pet passport scheme would make GB a special case (like NI is) and look at the fuss that is causing!
I don't really get why a lot of people who wanted a hard border with France are now angry because we've got a hard border with France. As for blaming the French for dog non-passports or shortages of immigration officers at Dover or whatever other passive-aggressive behaviour, that's (a) pretty unlikely to get us anywhere because the French don't really care; and (b) really it's what some of our politicians would like us to do, to deflect attention from failures on their side to negotiate good practical arrangements with our nearest Continental neighbour.
What an ignorant comment!

We divorced from the EU, we can’t expect conjugal rights.
Conjugal rights ? Many think the passion had long left the marriage anyway. Seperate beds in separate bedrooms, with Barnier smothering himself in cold cream (a la Marsha Mason in 'The Goodbye Girl' - showing my age) to dampen any remaining ardour in the rare event that in a rash moment we were a bit frisky.
Back on topic… in the NL and arranging vet appointment for dog wormer to return home. I was hoping to arrange an EU pet passport at the same time.
The rules in NL have recently changed and you now need to register and get a UBN to get an EU Pet Passport.
The vet has sent me a link to go through which I can post later. He said this was a very recent change and part of a package or rules to stop illegal import of dogs.
Back on topic… in the NL and arranging vet appointment for dog wormer to return home. I was hoping to arrange an EU pet passport at the same time.
The rules in NL have recently changed and you now need to register and get a UBN to get an EU Pet Passport.
The vet has sent me a link to go through which I can post later. He said this was a very recent change and part of a package or rules to stop illegal import of dogs.
‘UBN’ (?) I’m guessing… Unique Bull***t Number. Seriously, I thought this ‘just get your EU PP issues in another EU member state’ would be too good to be true.
‘UBN’ (?) I’m guessing… Unique Bull***t Number. Seriously, I thought this ‘just get your EU PP issues in another EU member state’ would be too good to be true.
Because obviously pre 2020 the then EU pet passport system (sans UBN ) eradicated dog smuggling in Eirope. It's not like criminals can forge documents is it. And obviously the vehicle of choice for smuggling a single dog is a 60k c California or 75k GC and not in a container on the back of a lorry. More Bull**** than from that mechanical bull at the Commonwealth games. Mind you that's not much of a challenge haha
Here is the link I was given by my vet in NL.
So, reading the section on short work or holiday visits under 3 months then a UBN (unique Bedrijfs nummer) is not required - meaning it is not possible to get an EU pet passport for short trips.
It is a requirement for work or holidays of 4 months or over. (And yes, I did wonder what you do if you’re staying between 3 and 4 months :headbang).

Another thing from reading through the link, a UBN (unique bedrijfs nummer) is for non business related stuff - i.e not a bedrijf (e.g. import of pet, one time breeding, or holiday). So, a very confusing description to use…


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