Permitted Towing Weight for a 2022 MY OCEAN 6.1 204 bhp 4 Motion - HELP!



Lifetime VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 204 4 motion
This thread relates to 2022 Built Cali's - Help Required please - as my delivery date looms nearer!

In Nov 2021 I ordered a 6.1 204 4 Motion with the understanding that at that time (from then current Brochure spec 3/8/21) the Max towing weight for a braked trailer was 2500Kg on ALL Cali's. I have a boat / trailer combo that's plated at 2,500kg (although the true weights sits around 2,200-2,300kg). All Good.
My Dealer contacted me recently to inform me that my Cali was going into build last week and will be fitted out next week. Delivery 6 weeks later. Still all good.

I then browsed through the most recent current brochure (1/9/22) to be horrified that under the weight spec pages ALL models of Cali have been DOWNGRADED to their max towing weight, now within a range of 2120Kg - 2,350Kg, incl. This obviously causes me a problem, as I will no longer be able to tow my trailer legally. I need to know the exact permitted weight, not a range as if its at the higher end, I just still may be in with a fighting change if I re-plate trailer or be forced to buy a lighter trailer - something I'm not too keen on due to another expensive outlay and my current trailer has served me well for 7 years.

I have been in contact with my dealer as the brochure small print states that the exact permitted towing weight will vary with options. The only option I added was a removable tow bar and comfort mattress. He wasn't able to provide me with an answer and said he will ask VW brand for a comment. I wait...

I have had a look at other brochures I downloaded along the way and the earliest I can find with the same reduced & 'ranged' towing weights is from the one dated 13/7/22, so this may affect a lot of Cali owners who have recently taken delivery of 2022 models. It may have even been included in the earlier spring version?

I am aware that the V5 log book will provide the exact legal permissible towing weight as currently the manufacturers plate located on the Inside of the front door opening only shows the Gross Veh Wt + 3080 Kg & Gross train weight + 5,300 Kg...the same for every model, although usually you would simply take one from the other to know your braked trailer permitted weight. This doesn't appear to be the case with VW's new approach?

HELP required - Please can ANYONE who has a 2022 built & delivered Cali look at their V5 and let me know their permissible towing weight for the 2022 Ocean 204 & 204 4 motion, both with factory tow bar option preferably. If the dealer cant tell me, then the V5 is the only accurate source of info I have unless I take delivery just to obtain mine from DVLA then its too late!

Thank you all in anticipation - I should be excited about my new arrival - not stressed that it may now not be fit for my purpose! Why oh Why have VW decided to do this now?

Regards, Ian


  • california-brochure (2).pdf
    9.9 MB · Views: 17
  • california-brochure (1).pdf
    9.5 MB · Views: 15
Hi if I’ve read mine correctly 2022 registered 4 motion 2500kg.
Hope this helps
Hi if I’ve read mine correctly 2022 registered 4 motion 2500kg.
Hope this helps
Thank you - What was your registration date - Im predicting earlier in the year?
It will be the max train weight stamped on the vehicle that matters & that doesn’t appear to have changed from 5300kg.
With any gratefully received replies regarding the V5 log book Max towing weight please can you include your date of registration as I'm trying to establish when VW made changes on their builds regards towing and if anyone has a very recent Cali that is no longer permitted to tow up to 2500kg and what the actual figure is from the 'range' they outline in the brochure. This will hopefully allow me to make an informed decision whether I will be able to Keep the Cali?
I hope your van will be rated for 2500Kg in tow. In this case the total train weight will still be at 5300, so if your trailer+boat actual weight is 2300, that will allow you to load the Cali up to 3t instead of 3,08t.

if unfortunately your new van has a towing capacity lower than 2500, instead of changing the trailer, you could explore the possibility of uprating the rear suspension in order to increase both the rear axle weight and the towing back to 2500 or more.
Mine was first registered in Jan 2022 in Germany ... max braked towing weight is 2500kg ... unbraked is 750kg

Below is a copy of the registration details ...

I hope your van will be rated for 2500Kg in tow. In this case the total train weight will still be at 5300, so if your trailer+boat actual weight is 2300, that will allow you to load the Cali up to 3t instead of 3,08t.

if unfortunately your new van has a towing capacity lower than 2500, instead of changing the trailer, you could explore the possibility of uprating the rear suspension in order to increase both the rear axle weight and the towing back to 2500 or more.
Thanks - Im hoping that someone will have a recent build that shows the towing weight on their V5 Log book to be around 2300Kg for the 204 / 4 motion as I can then re-plate the trailer to that figure and just be in by the skin of my teeth !
The train weight will be one to watch, not on my V5 but on the VIN/Chassis plate.
As above mention by @andinluton it is 5,300kgs.
A loaded 4M will be close to 3,000kgs leaving the 2,300kgs for the trailer gross weight.
Trailer plated Grosse weight can be more than 2,300kgs but you can only load it up to the combined 5,300kgs of Cali +trailer with both loaded including passengers, driver etc.

I'm sure that I saw a Van Owner mention this reduction in trailer weight but as usual finding it is another matter, however I did find this i the Spec info for Transporters (link below) >
  • Max Trailer Load, braked
    • L1H1 2200 – 2500 kg
    • L1H2 2200 – 2500 kg
    • L2H1 2200 – 2500 kg
    • L2H2 2200 – 2500 kg
    • L2H3 2200 – 2500 kg
  • Gross Train Weight
    • L1H1 4800 – 5300 kg
    • L1H2 4800 – 5300 kg
    • L2H1 4800 – 5300 kg
    • L2H2 4800 – 5300 kg
    • L2H3 4800 – 5300 kg
Whatever your van comes with, replacing the trailer makes absolutely no difference.
It’s the actual loaded weight of the trailer that you have to be concerned with, not it’s MAM ( assuming the loaded weight is lower than the MAM)
You can tow a 3.5 tonne plated trailer behind any Cali as long as the actual weight of the Cali and the actual weight of the trailer and any loads come in at less than the plated maximum train weight assuming you have the appropriate license, which after last years changes just about everybody has.

It’s also important to note as B J G pointed out you really are on the limit weight wise.

A 5300kg max train weight less 2500kg leaves only 2800 for the van & a 4 motion in running order is over 2700 - add your tow bar, bigger fuel tank etc and you could be down to literally no payload.
Thanks BJG & Andy(IL) - That all makes sense and I can see you have knowledge in this area.
Im Pre 1997 license holder (by a long way!) and I'm sure I can recall that if a trailer was plated at a particular MAM then you could only use a towing vehicle that had the Same permitted towing weight or greater. Has this law been changed whilst I was napping? If that was the case then I only have to be concerned that my veh permitted towing weight is equal or greater than the trailer and load which is between 2200-2300kg (I need to go to a weigh bridge to find out precisely). This is why it would be interesting with any towing optioned 204 or 204 4M owners who recently took delivery over last few months what their manufacturers plate states and what their V5 Log book states in light of the 'new reduced range' of weight permitted to tow which is highlighted in the Downloads of the brochures I attached and the current online one available to all to see.
Very interesting about the payload reduction...Im starting to think that a non 4M would have given me nearly an extra 100Kg payload and may provide the margin of towing weight I require - Looks like me & the other half will have to go on a diet before delivery and not pack the tea bags as they will probably tip us over!
REMINDER TO ALL 205 / 205 4M Cali owners with tow bars that took delivery over the last few months please can you look at your V5 Log book / Registered keeper certificates from DVLA and let me know what your permitted towing weight is on page 2 line O1 where is states 'Braked' (kg) =?
Thanks, Ian
Thanks BJG & Andy(IL) - That all makes sense and I can see you have knowledge in this area.
Im Pre 1997 license holder (by a long way!) and I'm sure I can recall that if a trailer was plated at a particular MAM then you could only use a towing vehicle that had the Same permitted towing weight or greater. Has this law been changed whilst I was napping?
I think that only applied for non-towing licence holders - their limit was 3500kg +750kg train weight & that was always calculated by the max car weight + MAM plated on the trailer, rather than actual weights.

For you, if you are stopped they will check your max train weight stamped on the van - which the brochure still states as 5300 and weigh the whole setup, as long as your van and trailer are both under their individual MAM, and the whole lot is under 5300 you won’t have a problem.

Just something else to think of - the max load on the rear axle, your trailer is going to put 100kg on the tow bar & therefore on the rear axle.
My 2022, 204ps 4motion (Ocean) registered in the Netherlands has a maximum towing weight (O1) of 2300kg.
If your Cali is built after about 1st August then it will (should) be a 2023 model not a 2022 one.
I'm waiting for a MAN TGE which will be built after 1st August and will be a 2023 model.
Nominally 1st August has been the model change date for all VWs for many years.
According to the configurator for vans, they are all 2500kgs braked towing weight. All Cali's, I believe are based on the T30 chassis, but downgraded due to initial weight, to a braked towing weight of 2300kgs. Suspect that the Aug 21 brochure had an incorrect 'van-related' value in there - seen this before with the Cali brochure when updates come though - sometimes the van info 'slips through' before it gets updated properly .. just my two-pence worth of a guess ..
My 2022, 204ps 4motion (Ocean) registered in the Netherlands has a maximum towing weight (O1) of 2300kg.
Thanks, thats really useful, what month did you register your Cali?
If your Cali is built after about 1st August then it will (should) be a 2023 model not a 2022 one.
I'm waiting for a MAN TGE which will be built after 1st August and will be a 2023 model.
Nominally 1st August has been the model change date for all VWs for many years.
Thanks Rod, I was having this discussion with my dealer last week and he seems to think the cross over is first week of Sept so this week.
According to the configurator for vans, they are all 2500kgs braked towing weight. All Cali's, I believe are based on the T30 chassis, but downgraded due to initial weight, to a braked towing weight of 2300kgs. Suspect that the Aug 21 brochure had an incorrect 'van-related' value in there - seen this before with the Cali brochure when updates come though - sometimes the van info 'slips through' before it gets updated properly .. just my two-pence worth of a guess ..
Thanks for your reply, interesting....We have Blueeyedboy who believes his Cali registered in first quarter of 2022 has a towing weight of 2500kg and Peter 84@s 2022 4Motion is registered with a 2300kg towing weight, I believe a bit later in the year?
It would be an ideal opportunity for any other 205 BHP / 4 Motion owners who have had their Cali's delivered during 2022 to sate their towing weight and when they took delivery, will start to provide a good indicator what mine is likely to be and provide me with some useful information when my dealer gets back to me with this information Ive requested.
Dutch registration data (except for personal data of course) is publicly available so did some digging, filtered on all vehicles with a gross weight of 2507kg (I think all 2022 204bhp 4motion oceans have this weight). Looks like vehicles registered until May 20 have an O1 of 2500kg and from May 25th this changed to 2300kg.
Dutch registration data (except for personal data of course) is publicly available so did some digging, filtered on all vehicles with a gross weight of 2507kg (I think all 2022 204bhp 4motion oceans have this weight). Looks like vehicles registered until May 20 have an O1 of 2500kg and from May 25th this changed to 2300kg.
Wow Peter, Thanks so much , that's really helpful. I suppose the question is why did VW decide to do this as none of any of the other weights have changed and the 2500kg figure has been fixed for years?
Has your Cali got the optional tow bar?

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