First time out #virgins



Looking to buy
Hi all completely new to the club so please beg my ignorance but if I put a drive away awning on the California and run the diesel heater will the fumes get into the awning?

Any advice on the exhaust for the diesel heater would be greatly appreciated.
Yes they will but negligible and depends on style of awning and wind direction you can get a skirt type thing or a tube that blocks that gap. It's also possible to reroute and extend the exhaust of the heater. Personally I wouldn't worry too much about it
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Thank you sooo much for the advice. Thinking a carbon monoxide thing in the awning maybe the way forward
Thank you sooo much for the advice. Thinking a carbon monoxide thing in the awning maybe the way forward
The amount of Carbon Monoxide produced by burning diesel, totally different method of combustion compared to the engine, is so small I doubt it can be measured.
You are more likely to detect Carbon Monoxide produced by the gas stove burners if the cabin is poorly ventilated or the burners dirty.
Thank you sooo much for the advice. Thinking a carbon monoxide thing in the awning maybe the way forward
Both elements of advice is you don't need. Here is a third. You don't need. Save your money.
anyone got a pic of the heater "exhaust" for reference?
The occupants of the awning will be exhaling more carbon monoxide than the heater puts out of its exhaust.
I'm not a scientist but my understanding is Carbon monoxide is not good, silent killer! Fumes etc.
Carbon dioxide (breathing out) in high ppm, above 1700 in a small space, you might get a bad head, increase the ventilation and all is good.

I was thinking of putting a Carbon monoxide detector inside mine to be sure.
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The occupants of the awning will be exhaling more carbon monoxide than the heater puts out of its exhaust.
Humans don't exhale carbon monoxide. It just kills them!
I'm not a scientist but my understanding is Carbon monoxide is not good, silent killer! Fumes etc.
Carbon dioxide (breathing out) in high ppm, above 1700 in a small space, you might get a bad head, increase the ventilation and all is good.

I was thinking of putting a Carbon monoxide detector inside mine to be sure.
Safer to put it inside the van. The Diesel Heater produces so little you would be lucky to detect it if you held the Monitor next to the exhaust.
However, if the gas burners do not have adequate ventilation are dirty or burn with a sooty yellow/orange flame then you will definitely detect Carbon Monoxide.

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