Final run order.



T6.1 Ocean 150
Greetings to all,

Not been on the forum for some time so here I am again. We sold our previous Cali a few years ago and are contemplating purchasing another one Especially as VW have announced the final build run. So here we go. I have a few questions for all the knowledgeable people out there.

1. Is the corrosion problem now permanently cured.
2. Is the EGR valve problem cured ( does it only apply to the twin turbo engine ? )
3 The dealer we have approached has indication that we cannot have mudguards if we have the chrome/sports pack. Is this the case or could we fit aftermarket.
4. Are there any other problems we need to be aware of that could influence our purchase.

We are currently contemplating a new build ( 2024 ) 150 DSG in Fortano Red, or indium grey. We will get the 5 year warranty with the vehicle plus 5 services and 2 MOT’s included plus £1k deposit contribution. We generally don’t get too many options as we like to keep things simple. Mainly cosmetic. ( less to go wrong ) we have asked for rear spoiler, wind/rain deflectors, guardX paint protection.

All input will be appreciated.

Running down your list of questions - answers so far as I’m aware, others please jump in with your own thoughts…

1. Is the corrosion problem now permanently cured.

Assuming you refer to the roof. The latest models have strips glued in the roof recess to break the galvanic connection between dissimilar metals. I’ve seen posts and photos of T5s and T6s with issues, but not T6.1.

Apart from the roof, the roof lifting mechanism has been know to rust, and/or the bolts. Not an issue with ours, but I did see a shocking example of this first hand from another forum member. Easily replaced if it’s an issue.

2. Is the EGR valve problem cured ( does it only apply to the twin turbo engine ? )

Hopefully yes. It’s a known issue on some 180bhp twin turbo engines which are no longer built. I see you’re a fan of simplicity - so am I. So I ordered a 150 engine, but no indication the 204 has problems.

3 The dealer we have approached has indication that we cannot have mudguards if we have the chrome/sports pack. Is this the case or could we fit aftermarket.

Yes this has been discussed on the forum previously re the sports pack. But not chrome - we have this and had factory mudflaps.

4. Are there any other problems we need to be aware of that could influence our purchase.

A) Recently, 2022 to 2023, leaking canvas on the pop top. But a new version has been released and forum members currently reporting success.

B) Jealousy from all your friends and neighbours??

We will get the 5 year warranty with the vehicle plus 5 services and 2 MOT’s included plus £1k deposit contribution.

I’m not aware of the current deals - but there are threads relating, plus we get Tom from Breeze Poole contributing on here to give updates. We bought our extended warranty.
I can't comment with any real knowledge on any of your specific questions.

Apart from saying that from what I have read on this forum and others, the EGR valve cooler problem on the earlier 180 twin turbo engines seems to have been resolved for the latest engine. Others with more knowledge/experience may want to elaborate on this.

The main problem with recent build Calis has been the leaking roof bellow issue. Have a read through this thread if you aren't up to speed with the issue :

It is early days as the latest version of the bellows has only recently been fitted to new build vehicles, or replaced on existing vehicles with warranty claims for leaking roofs. But the feedback from those with the latest version seems to be mainly positive, so hopefully VW have finally got it right.
The information given is that all new builds now have the latest bellows fitted so you "should" be OK if you decide to order a final production run vehicle.
I think you should get 3 MOT tests in that 5 year plan - that’s what we have along with 3 “minor” and 2 “major” services. Each service at 20k miles or one year, which ever is sooner.
If in it for the long term, I would suggest the 150 engine; it's a simpler unit and less stressed, although a well cared for turbodiesel should last a very long time anyway. The 150 has ample power.

Be aware that mudguards and lowering can present issues if reversing onto levelling ramps (our factory mudguards scrape slightly if reversing onto the ramps); if you're thinking of the sport styling and want to lower it a bit, worth considering that should you wish to reduce your arch gap! Bigger wheels emphasise the ride height more, with the stock 17" wheels the wheel arch gap doesn't look so bad.

On the subject of wheels, 17" can be specced with a proper spare wheel, 18" not so. Rubber will probably also be more expensive of 18" wheels.

I would recommend the larger fuel tank - it's my only regret. Can't think of any disadvantages to having it and it's such a cheap option (£80 or something).

Both colour choices you've suggested are great!
Many thanks for all the replies and advice. I am comforted that the corrosion and EGR valve problems appear to have been resolved. We are assured by the dealer that the roof canvas issue has also been resolved.
As we are more of a trundle around type of driver ( don’t confuse with slow ) we think the 150 will be more than adequate. The van comes with 18” wheels which will be perfect for us. I currently have 20” wheels on my car and the tyres are eyewateringly expensive. Also don’t like low profile tyres as given the state of our roads it is just asking for trouble and the ride is in my opinion compromised. Also insurance goes up.
Interesting point about the rear spoiler. I will have to have a think about it. Although it is very unlikely we will fit a rack as I think it compromises rear vision and also I think looks ugly.
We had mudguards on our last Cali and found no problem with using ramps as I had not lowered it or fitted any wheel mods etc.
I may be a little boring but I like my cars to look as original as possible. Did any of you have any comments on the GuardX paint protection, is it worth it?
Still unsure if we should spec towbar prep or full installation. We do have a towbar mounted bike rack which I prefer. Also bosses bike is electric so a little heavy. Either this or dismantle them and put in back. which Is not too much of a problem.

Once again many thanks for all the info and taking the time to reply.
GuardX (assuming this is a "dealer fit" treatment) isn't worth it, inside or out. Inside - get some waterproof covers then you don't have to worry about muddy/wet clothes or wine spills (when camping, not driving). If you're really bothered about protecting the paintwork externally, you can get professionally applied ceramic treatments, but they are very expensive and I think I saw something on here recently suggesting there might even be an insurance issue (although how on earth that matters or is even proved is beyond me). TBH, a warm dry long afternoon with a quality sealant (e.g. Klasse all in one) and several layers of good quality wax (like Collinite) and it's all the protection the paintwork should need. That sort of wax only needs re-applying every 6 months, maybe even less frequently than that!
Go for the removable towbar install. I got one even though I had no plans to use it. Then thought I wanted a towbar bike carrier for my future ebike, which morphed into a Brompton T-Line which I can fold and stow in the boot. Then I retire I want to get back into motorcycling with a BMW 1300GS and use a trailer to get it to points of interest. The towbar will eventually get used and I'm happy knowing its already installed. Most 3rd party installers won't use the pre existing towbar prep so keep that in mind.
We’ve had other car treatments by dealers, but not Guardx. I wouldn’t go for that, they don’t last long, and way over priced. The last one, Diamondbrite starter as a £595 extra, and I beat the salesman down to £250. Even at that I think they made a profit! For our van, I give it a ceramic spray coating (by Autoglym) around 4 times a year. It does a good job at keeping the paintwork clean.

On mudflaps - we have the factory fit type and we’re happy with them. Each wheel arch has a forward and rear flap, and should do a decent job to stop stone impacts and reduce spray. They do rub occasionally when reversing into parking bays, but not to be a problem.

We have the door mounted bike rack, which I remove each winter when they’re not in use. It’s also been used to carry a large awning on when the van was packed up for longish holiday.
Once again many thanks for all your input. GuardX is a dealer fit so I assume it is heavily promoted. I do have a friend whose son undertakes detailing. I will ask the pertinent questions. I must admit I quite enjoy cleaning and polishing my cars in the nice warm weather so will probably do it myself.
Just as a matter of interest do any of you have air suspension fitted. If so, do you think it is a good fit? I have it on my current car and it really is very good. ( Porsche Macan S )
Many thanks for all the replies and advice. I am comforted that the corrosion and EGR valve problems appear to have been resolved. We are assured by the dealer that the roof canvas issue has also been resolved.
As we are more of a trundle around type of driver ( don’t confuse with slow ) we think the 150 will be more than adequate. The van comes with 18” wheels which will be perfect for us. I currently have 20” wheels on my car and the tyres are eyewateringly expensive. Also don’t like low profile tyres as given the state of our roads it is just asking for trouble and the ride is in my opinion compromised. Also insurance goes up.
Interesting point about the rear spoiler. I will have to have a think about it. Although it is very unlikely we will fit a rack as I think it compromises rear vision and also I think looks ugly.
We had mudguards on our last Cali and found no problem with using ramps as I had not lowered it or fitted any wheel mods etc.
I may be a little boring but I like my cars to look as original as possible. Did any of you have any comments on the GuardX paint protection, is it worth it?
Still unsure if we should spec towbar prep or full installation. We do have a towbar mounted bike rack which I prefer. Also bosses bike is electric so a little heavy. Either this or dismantle them and put in back. which Is not too much of a problem.

Once again many thanks for all the info and taking the time to reply.
Which 18” wheels? Anything standard/no cost is 17”.

Sports pack comes with 18”
GuardX (assuming this is a "dealer fit" treatment) isn't worth it, inside or out. Inside - get some waterproof covers then you don't have to worry about muddy/wet clothes or wine spills (when camping, not driving). If you're really bothered about protecting the paintwork externally, you can get professionally applied ceramic treatments, but they are very expensive and I think I saw something on here recently suggesting there might even be an insurance issue (although how on earth that matters or is even proved is beyond me). TBH, a warm dry long afternoon with a quality sealant (e.g. Klasse all in one) and several layers of good quality wax (like Collinite) and it's all the protection the paintwork should need. That sort of wax only needs re-applying every 6 months, maybe even less frequently than that!
That may have been me re ceramic coat/PPF.

That was Comfort telling me adding it would result in the policy being cancelled. Baffling!

Re sports pack - not possible to spec mudflats is correct.

I’m guessing you mean it comes with 18” if you spec the sports pack. Otherwise no cost options are all 17”.

Good luck! Picking ours up Friday.
Nothing in life is perfect Remember there’s over 200k of these vehicles and sites like these exaggerate the problems. Remember they tend to be low mileage - service like a diesel of old and avoid long life service intervals. Bellows - has anyone every come across any material that is 100% waterproof. Even welded rubber roofs on some conversions leak! Park with rear into the wind and if heavy rain is fcast put a cover on!!
Nothing in life is perfect Remember there’s over 200k of these vehicles and sites like these exaggerate the problems. Remember they tend to be low mileage - service like a diesel of old and avoid long life service intervals. Bellows - has anyone every come across any material that is 100% waterproof. Even welded rubber roofs on some conversions leak! Park with rear into the wind and if heavy rain is fcast put a cover on!!
Rubbish. The fabric itself is not the problem. In fact its a lot more water impeameable. Its the seams. The stitching and seam design was not properly implimented for the new stretchy fabric resulting in severe leaks along the seams and zippers.
With regards to the tow bar fit we had it fitted as the after sales cost of fitting would be a great deal more.
A friend paid £600 for the wiring loom alone to fit himself, when we paid around £650 for the complete factory fitted
Having been away for our first trip since delivery in the pouring rain and breezy the bellows preformed well. No leaks so far!
We always try to setup stern into the wind as stated in above post
We have the sports pack, but also went for a 17” spare wheel. Same external diameter as the 18” by using a ‘deeper’ tyre
Greetings to all,

Not been on the forum for some time so here I am again. We sold our previous Cali a few years ago and are contemplating purchasing another one Especially as VW have announced the final build run. So here we go. I have a few questions for all the knowledgeable people out there.

1. Is the corrosion problem now permanently cured.
2. Is the EGR valve problem cured ( does it only apply to the twin turbo engine ? )
3 The dealer we have approached has indication that we cannot have mudguards if we have the chrome/sports pack. Is this the case or could we fit aftermarket.
4. Are there any other problems we need to be aware of that could influence our purchase.

We are currently contemplating a new build ( 2024 ) 150 DSG in Fortano Red, or indium grey. We will get the 5 year warranty with the vehicle plus 5 services and 2 MOT’s included plus £1k deposit contribution. We generally don’t get too many options as we like to keep things simple. Mainly cosmetic. ( less to go wrong ) we have asked for rear spoiler, wind/rain deflectors, guardX paint protection.

All input will be appreciated.

Sorry I can’t answer your questions but in addition to these I would check out the forum about leaking bellows before you make a decision.

VW California Club
