VIP Member
My lovely van (T4 year 2000 – yes it is old – we both are) is causing me sleepless nights.
It refuses to start.
Have replaced the battery, ignition switch, starter motor and the cable linking the ignition to the starter motor – now waiting for a new relay.
Had the timing reset several weeks ago by a specialist company and it was starting on the first turn of the key – was really pleased with it. Before that it was taking many turns of the engine to start. Was puffing out clouds of white fumes and smelling of diesel.
It did have the habit of playing completely dead, though after fiddling around with the key and gear stick (auto) it somehow would magically start. Now it is stuck in this non start mode.
Anyone have any suggestions? Please, please, please.
Regards, Gordon
It refuses to start.
Have replaced the battery, ignition switch, starter motor and the cable linking the ignition to the starter motor – now waiting for a new relay.
Had the timing reset several weeks ago by a specialist company and it was starting on the first turn of the key – was really pleased with it. Before that it was taking many turns of the engine to start. Was puffing out clouds of white fumes and smelling of diesel.
It did have the habit of playing completely dead, though after fiddling around with the key and gear stick (auto) it somehow would magically start. Now it is stuck in this non start mode.
Anyone have any suggestions? Please, please, please.
Regards, Gordon