Where is the “travel mode” found on a 6.1?



London, UK
Looking to buy
Hi, we’ve got a California Ocean 6.1 and plan to take it into France for the first time this week.

I have been reading that there is a “travel mode” for the LED headlights that dips the beams.

However, I can’t find this anywhere. I’ve tried searching all the menus.

Does anyone know how to find it or if it’s been removed?

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Hi, we’ve got a California Ocean 6.1 and plan to take it into France for the first time this week.

I have been reading that there is a “travel mode” for the LED headlights that dips the beams.

However, I can’t find this anywhere. I’ve tried searching all the menus.

Does anyone know how to find it or if it’s been removed?

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There isn't one for the T6.1

The LED headlamps beams are almost flat and have only a very slight kick up to the left, so beam deflectors / stickers are not needed.

The van also works out where it is presumably via sat nav etc, so things like the ACC that won't let you overtake on the inside change to the other side after a few miles.

Changing the units is brilliant when the whole dash display goes to KMH .
I was reading this and assume like my tomtom the 6.1 cal will also ask me to change to Km rather than MPH or do I need to change this myself ??
I was reading this and assume like my tomtom the 6.1 cal will also ask me to change to Km rather than MPH or do I need to change this myself ??
You have to change it yourself.
From memory the TomTom app changes to the other side of the road and asks if you want to change from the English obsessed were not in the EU imperial to the metric system
From memory the TomTom app changes to the other side of the road and asks if you want to change from the English obsessed were not in the EU imperial to the metric system
Or to the French National Rally (RN) far right Kilometres, also in use elsewhere in Europe.
From memory the TomTom app changes to the other side of the road and asks if you want to change from the English obsessed were not in the EU imperial to the metric system
I don't understand what the EU has to do with us using metric for speed or distance.

We were using imperial before joining the EU, during membership of the EU, and still using it now.

Why would we want to spend a fortune changing all the limit signs? something that we didnt have to, if the EU want to pay for us to build some new motorways like they did in Spain I would quite happily let them specify the signage on those roads, until then Im quite happy with MPH.

VW California Club
