External loose wire beneath waste water tank



Taunton, Somerset
T6 Beach 150
Stopped for fuel last night and noticed a black wire about 12 inches long with a 2 inch long black plug thingy dangling below the waste water tank, external to the vehicle. The plug looked like a regular snap connector but with a round ball shape on the tip. Got home and removed a plastic protection panel from where the wire was poking, adjacent to the waste water pipe, but could not see anywhere the plug could fit into. Any chance it may be part of a wiring fit that may not be used on my vehicle. Any help appreciated.
The only thing I can think of in that area is the connector for the level detector for the waste water tank; the indicator is on the display above the rear view mirror. You could try filling up the waste tank and seeing if it shows on the display.

Probably it's the sensor for the outside temperature. Just push it back in some hole in the bottom and keep it in place with ducktape.

Regards from Amsterdam,

The only thing I can think of in that area is the connector for the level detector for the waste water tank; the indicator is on the display above the rear view mirror. You could try filling up the waste tank and seeing if it shows on the display.
I have found the same thing.

It is the outside temp sensor for the control panel. There doesn't seem to be a mounting point for it that I can see. I cable tied it up to the waste water pipe.

Thank you all. Took it to the Dealer today and it is the outside temperature sensor. There is a socket for it to locate in but the lug had come off the sensor so it fell out. It will be replaced under warranty although it has worked fine after I tied it back up under the trim. In order to get better access when I was investigating I used my levelling chocks on one side to increase headroom, so that's another use for them.

VW California Club
