I'd agree with the above, especially in relation to the hook up. 10m plus 15m is much more versatile than a 25m cable - which you may need one on the continent but will be an annoyance all of those times you park right next to the power point (bulky, and you get dirty packing it away).
As for cooking, Tefal Ingenio (or similar) pans with removable handles are a good space saver. They are expensive but if you wait there are always bargain bundle deals to be had (UK Hot Deals is your friend, or follow their facebook marketing). Get the induction version for maximum flexibility and longevity.
The VW front window blind is awful and will break, so I'd suggest some form of front cab cover. The supplied side magnetic ones are actually OK as a starting point. If travelling light you might want to consider the Brandrup isolite internal windscreen cover as they pack very light. LIkewise, the internal blind over the sliding door can be an annoyance as it is not part of the door (it stays down when you open the sliding door - this can be a niggle when you're half asleep in the middle of the night). So I'd suggest an additional blind to fix to the sliding door - again Brandrup isolites are thin and effective - if you don't mind silver. More attractive options are available.
Finally, I'm not sure how effective the new bellows are at keeping the light out (as well as the heat in). If you decide you need roof insulation then I'd relucatntly (on grounds of cost) suggest an isotop. We bought both a topper and an insulated wrap (both second hand on the forms) but both take up space and can be a faff. If I was rating again I'd probably bite the bullet and get an isotop.
(I'm loathe to recommend too much Brandrup stuff as it is very expensive for what it is - but it is good kit and there aren't many bespoke options out thetre).
Think about storage solutions after your first few trips.