12 V extra socket



Grand California 600
Hello everyone,
Since I don't have a 12 V socket in the living area and I need it for a small vacuum cleaner, does anyone have an idea where I can easily find 12 V wiring to which I can connect an additional socket?
Best regards,

VW Nutzfahrzeuge in their endless wisdom, managed not to install at least 1x 12 V socket in the living area of the Grand California.

This socket would be brilliant, not only for a hover but for TV or a LTE router etc.

I tried to get somebody in Northern Ireland to install a 12 V socket, but as I was watching him in the van, it showed that he had no idea of how do this in a VW GC. So I stopped him before he could do any damage.

What I am trying to say is that I also would be very interested of how to easily install a 12 V socket.

Hello everyone,
Since I don't have a 12 V socket in the living area and I need it for a small vacuum cleaner, does anyone have an idea where I can easily find 12 V wiring to which I can connect an additional socket?
Best regards,
Answers in the other Thread you posted on the same subject.


VW Nutzfahrzeuge in their endless wisdom, managed not to install at least 1x 12 V socket in the living area of the Grand California.

This socket would be brilliant, not only for a hover but for TV or a LTE router etc.

I tried to get somebody in Northern Ireland to install a 12 V socket, but as I was watching him in the van, it showed that he had no idea of how do this in a VW GC. So I stopped him before he could do any damage.

What I am trying to say is that I also would be very interested of how to easily install a 12 V socket.


I can’t take a picture because our van is in storage in Spain but there is a 12v “cigarette lighter” type socket on the inside side of the drivers seat down near floor level. It isn’t very obvious and I only found it when looking for something I dropped!! We have a 680 but I would assume the 600 might be the same. Definitely worth a look before you make any changes


I can’t take a picture because our van is in storage in Spain but there is a 12v “cigarette lighter” type socket on the inside side of the drivers seat down near floor level. It isn’t very obvious and I only found it when looking for something I dropped!! We have a 680 but I would assume the 600 might be the same. Definitely worth a look before you make any changes

This made me go out and look at my 600 but I’ve been all around the drivers seat area and cannot find any outlet?
This made me go out and look at my 600 but I’ve been all around the drivers seat area and cannot find any outlet?
Sorry about that Mr T. And as I said I can’t even offer proof as I can’t get to the van and won’t be back until May next year. But how about I bet you the cost of a return flight to Santiago- I pay if there is no socket and you pay if there is
Sorry about that Mr T. And as I said I can’t even offer proof as I can’t get to the van and won’t be back until May next year. But how about I bet you the cost of a return flight to Santiago- I pay if there is no socket and you pay if there is
I’m not doubting you have one, maybe it was something on earlier Grands, but I can’t find one on mine! Just checking, is yours a right hand drive?
I’m not doubting you have one, maybe it was something on earlier Grands, but I can’t find one on mine! Just checking, is yours a right hand drive?
No I know you weren’t. We ordered ours in 2020 and got it early 2021 in Ireland but we did get a left hand drive and I think I was told it was part of a build run for Poland so maybe that might explain why we have one and others don’t. The rest of the spec though does seem to be as per the Irish spec. Sorry for any confusion
We do have a 12v socket in our mid-2021 Grand Cali. It’s located on the right side of the driver seat (left-hand drive) and is 4-5 cm from the floor. It may be difficult to spot it because of the hand-break.
We traveled and worked during the summer and that 12v socket, together with a ~80W USB-c converter, did the trick for my MacBook Pro.

I don't believe there is a 12 V socket at the driver seat (right hand drive). I am sure I would have seen it during cleaning. But I will double check it tomorrow again.

For one reason or another I can imagine that there are small differences in various installation batches .

Hi, it's true, there is a 12V socket on the inside edge of the left seat (the driver's in my case), but because of the handbrake it's inconvenient to access.

Hello everyone,
Since I don't have a 12 V socket in the living area and I need it for a small vacuum cleaner, does anyone have an idea where I can easily find 12 V wiring to which I can connect an additional socket?
Best regards,
Theres a 12v one in the back by the shower, cant you just plug the hoover in there? with an extension lead if needed.
Tenemos un enchufe de 12 V en nuestro Grand Cali de mediados de 2021. Está ubicado en el lado derecho del asiento del conductor (volante a la izquierda) y está a 4-5 cm del piso. Puede ser difícil detectarlo debido a la rotura de la mano.
Viajamos y trabajamos durante el verano y ese enchufe de 12v, junto con un convertidor USB-c de ~80W, hizo el truco para mi MacBook Pro.
Hola, no todas las GC tiene toma de 12 v. La mia por ejemplo lleva toma de 220v. (un pequeño inversor) que funciona cuando el vehiculo está en marcha.

I had to check my camper to see if there is a 12 V socket which escaped my attention.

But unfortunately there is no 12 V socket in the chair consols.

@Eber123, it’s possible that there are differences between versions. It’s just a guess, but it looks like the right hand drive versions don’t have the socket ‍♂️
I’ve looked again, and it’s still not there on mine!
Hi, it's true, there is a 12V socket on the inside edge of the left seat (the driver's in my case), but because of the handbrake it's inconvenient to access.

View attachment 99919
Would be great to see a photo from inside the seat to see the wireing to the socket you show in this photo, I’m guessing the wireing is there alread.

Two places with 12v. Gc680 from germany.
Hello @Harry H GC680 y H GC680,

I haven't seen all the posts in this thread, but I assume your GC 680 came with a satellite dish. This normally comes with a 12 V and aerial socket at the sitting area and a second set of 12 V and aerial socket the sliding door.

They are very handy to have and VW should have at least provided the 2x 12 V sockets, or even 1x 12 V socket at the seating area.

It’s fairly easy to run a 12V feed across from the fuse array in the utility cupboard under the silver cable/pipe cover that runs across the floor to the fresh water tank cupboard. Once there you can mount a 12V or USB etc to suit your needs on the surface of the panel (on a GC600). I also installed a 230V outlet as there are spare terminals on the Wago connector block on the surface of the water tank and ran the 12V to the spare outlet on the ‘outdoor kitchen’ flap (I dont have the satellite option)

Has anyone picked up a new GC recently?
My USB socket on the RH dash has disappeared!
Have they gone for good or missed off when being built?



VW California Club
