12v electric kitchen equipment?



VIP Member
The Derbyshire Dales
Hi all, new here - looks a very useful site! :thumb

We're about to be Cali owners; we managed to locate a new silver 140PS and will be collecting her in a couple of weeks :grin:. She's already been named "Epona" after the ancient British and Romano-Celtic horse-goddess, and we're looking forward to may happy trips in her with our dog Penda, at home and abroad. A great upgrade from the tents we've been using for years! I haven't used a camper-van before, although Rosemary has happy memories of holidays in an old VW Devon.

So much kit available... as a starter, we'd be grateful for any advice about 12v kitchen kit - kettle, toaster or even microwave. Any good? Avoid? We'd love to read your opinions.
Hi Geoff, great to have you join us and post on here.
I imagine that someone will be along quickly with some recommendations for electrical items.

The new van sounds great, and I love the idea of her name. Is your pooch named after Penda of Mercia?

Skywalker said:
Is your pooch named after Penda of Mercia?

Thanks for the welcome Luke! Yes, Penda is indeed named after Penda of Mercia, our last Heathen king. Great to see see someone knows of him - most people have never heard of King Penda (even those here in his old kingdom) and we've even had someone ask if' the dog is named after some Spanish resort!

Hi Geoff Welcome to the Cali club :thumb
I have a little travel kettle but you have to be on hook up to use it. I thinks it's 400w
If I'm off site I use the gas to boil a kettle. I'm not sure how effective 12 v kettles are
I have never found the need.
I think 12v kettles are very slow to boil so not worth the bother - like Kev says use a gas kettle when not on hook up.
Yup....hook up if you want to use electrics otherwise gas. 12v stuff only if you really really need it but there isn't much out there that doesnt take forever. Save your battery for your fridge!
Wavebox microwave. Fits on the bottom shelf under the sink. Connected directly to the battery under the passenger seat my 2010 model cooks at 425w but think the latest ones are about 500w
Thank to all who replied... we'll stick with the kettle and coffee-maker we used when tenting and forget the hi-tech stuff!

VW California Club
