2016 T6 paint bubbles on sliding door

I hope my local dealer is watching this thread.
We’ve had so many issues so far and it would just be good to know we can jointly say this one was not on their watch...
Hi @AlisonF did you get this sorted under warranty? I have similar on my van and tried my local dealer who, despite confirming the paintwork was original by taking depth readings, fobbed me off with ‘only covered under paint warranty which is 3 years’ (my van is beyond this but within VW’s 12 years supposed corrosion warranty)
Hi @AlisonF did you get this sorted under warranty? I have similar on my van and tried my local dealer who, despite confirming the paintwork was original by taking depth readings, fobbed me off with ‘only covered under paint warranty which is 3 years’ (my van is beyond this but within VW’s 12 years supposed corrosion warranty)
Not yet. I have been given the name of a place to go, but that was just before lockdown, so not made an appointment as yet. I’ll post back when I do. Probably in a few weeks as lockdown easing slower up here...
Not yet. I have been given the name of a place to go, but that was just before lockdown, so not made an appointment as yet. I’ll post back when I do. Probably in a few weeks as lockdown easing slower up here...
Thanks - are you trying to get on done through your dealer and warranty? Or just paying a bodyshop to get it done yourself?
I think it’s a warranty issue but they are sending me to their body shop to get it checked out.
Thanks - keen to hear how you get on.

Anyone else out there with body panel corrosion (other than roof) and have tried to get VW to honour their supposed 12 year warranty?
Hi Alison, did the body shop sort this for you under warranty? Thanks
Ooh, very good question. Lock down arrived just after I was (finally) given the details of where to get it look at.
In the meantime I have been looking to sell the Cali as bought an Eriba and ordered a Kombi... so the paint issue is now a problem for the dealer... and I do not know what their plan is...
Is there a specific reason why you are asking...?
Ooh, very good question. Lock down arrived just after I was (finally) given the details of where to get it look at.
In the meantime I have been looking to sell the Cali as bought an Eriba and ordered a Kombi... so the paint issue is now a problem for the dealer... and I do not know what their plan is...
Is there a specific reason why you are asking...?
Thanks. Yes, I’m interested because I have similar spots on my van but dealer response, despite confirming original paint, was to fob me off saying only covered under 3 year paint warranty, not 12 year corrosion warranty. I was hoping that someone (eg. you) had similar fixed by VW under warranty so I could know where I stand with the dealer.
Thanks. Yes, I’m interested because I have similar spots on my van but dealer response, despite confirming original paint, was to fob me off saying only covered under 3 year paint warranty, not 12 year corrosion warranty. I was hoping that someone (eg. you) had similar fixed by VW under warranty so I could know where I stand with the dealer.
Sorry, wish I could help. Grrr...
Thanks. Yes, I’m interested because I have similar spots on my van but dealer response, despite confirming original paint, was to fob me off saying only covered under 3 year paint warranty, not 12 year corrosion warranty. I was hoping that someone (eg. you) had similar fixed by VW under warranty so I could know where I stand with the dealer.
Hi CaliMM

The standard dealer response is to deny everything,

You will have to state your case in writing, get a quote for the remedial works and tell the dealervyou intend to recoup the cost through small claims court.
Look up the VW policy and use it to your advantage - see posts above @westfalia

Persist, persist and make yourself a total pain in the back side to the dealer, daily call and emails ( emails need to be the full correspondence trail each time)

This type of manufacturing issue is not the norm and is not acceptable given VW policy and Quality assurances.

The dealer will have to pay for the remedial works ( not VWuk) that is why they will resist until you can show them you know your rights under U.K. law vs VW published policy! Which is unambiguous
Hi CaliMM

The standard dealer response is to deny everything,

You will have to state your case in writing, get a quote for the remedial works and tell the dealervyou intend to recoup the cost through small claims court.
Look up the VW policy and use it to your advantage - see posts above @westfalia

Persist, persist and make yourself a total pain in the back side to the dealer, daily call and emails ( emails need to be the full correspondence trail each time)

This type of manufacturing issue is not the norm and is not acceptable given VW policy and Quality assurances.

The dealer will have to pay for the remedial works ( not VWuk) that is why they will resist until you can show them you know your rights under U.K. law vs VW published policy! Which is unambiguous
Good reply!!
Hi CaliMM

The standard dealer response is to deny everything,

You will have to state your case in writing, get a quote for the remedial works and tell the dealervyou intend to recoup the cost through small claims court.
Look up the VW policy and use it to your advantage - see posts above @westfalia

Persist, persist and make yourself a total pain in the back side to the dealer, daily call and emails ( emails need to be the full correspondence trail each time)

This type of manufacturing issue is not the norm and is not acceptable given VW policy and Quality assurances.

The dealer will have to pay for the remedial works ( not VWuk) that is why they will resist until you can show them you know your rights under U.K. law vs VW published policy! Which is unambiguous
Thanks Perfectos, that’s really helpful. Out of interest, why would it be the dealer who pays as opposed to VWUK?
Thanks Perfectos, that’s really helpful. Out of interest, why would it be the dealer who pays as opposed to VWUK?
Your contract is with the dealer,mot VW, hence any temedial work is the dealer responsibility, the dealer will then have to argue the case with VW.

U.K. law states your contract is with the party whom you bought the vehicle from, which is exactly why some of these issues are a problem for dealers as the responsibility lies with the dealer to sort out, in May instances, this is why the dealer refuses to acknowledge an issue, it impacts bottom line profit.
Thanks. Yes, I’m interested because I have similar spots on my van but dealer response, despite confirming original paint, was to fob me off saying only covered under 3 year paint warranty, not 12 year corrosion warranty. I was hoping that someone (eg. you) had similar fixed by VW under warranty so I could know where I stand with the dealer.
If you read the warranty, unless it's panel through corrosion, (a hole), it's a 3 year paintwork warranty issue. People have posted that they have had things like this repaired outside warranty, but it will be a good will issue. So you need to keep your dealer on side.
Hi Alison it’s a pretty good match if it has,
On the panel the right side of the picture the metallic is less uniform (not as tight)compared to the left.
Silvia the hardest colour of all to repaint so if it’s had work on the door chances are it will of been blended onto the panel either side of the door .
I wouldn’t worry too much if you bought it from vw take it back and get the paint depth checked and if it’s not been painted it’s covered under the paint and body warranty.as you can see it’s not been caused by a stone chip because the paint isn’t damaged broken so if it’s had no paint it’s there responsibility to fix it.
Hope this helps
I dont imagine that the door was painted at the same time as the body panel, Because the doors need painting front and back they are normally done at different times and possibly in completely different workshops. If this is the case then the paint will never match 100%.

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