Sliding door rattle???



T6 Ocean 150
I am being plagued by a rattle near my right ear while driving. I have read threads about his elsewhere but have not noticed a solution being posted.
I don't have an awning. I have tried the seat belt in all positions and pulled it tight, to no effect. I don't believe that it is the sliding window.
Suspect that the rattle is coming from the sliding door which is full electric.
I've done 5k miles and the rattle wasn't there from the start so I wonder if the door needs adjusting.
Any suggestions would be very gratefully received!!!
I am being plagued by a rattle near my right ear while driving. I have read threads about his elsewhere but have not noticed a solution being posted.
I don't have an awning. I have tried the seat belt in all positions and pulled it tight, to no effect. I don't believe that it is the sliding window.
Suspect that the rattle is coming from the sliding door which is full electric.
I've done 5k miles and the rattle wasn't there from the start so I wonder if the door needs adjusting.
Any suggestions would be very gratefully received!!!
Have you checked that it's not the blind?
Ratlles come and go , but some can be located.
The door bumpers?
Did you take the table out of the door and drove a while ? And the same time check if anything is stored behind there in the hidden compartment?
Opend the roof and checked if all rubber padding on the mecanism are in place ?
Moved the rearseat arround?
Checked the drawer?
Did you ever resolve this rattle. I have a similar rattle .
Try dropping then drivers seat armrest to horizontal and see if it goes away, have had this when the armrest is up and sounds like it‘s the seatbelt or sliding door. Tracked it down eventually and an occasional adjust of the height mechanism sorted it.
Check your awning is secure and wound in fully (if you have one)
When you open the sliding door you will see twee pins that slide into the B-pillar locks. Those locks are flexible and need greasing every now and then, this will resolve the rattle.
Good afternoon,

I have the same issue. The sliding door started to rattle 2 or 3 months ago (have I said that, I can't hear properly on the right ear, so I can't easily detect from what direction the rattle is coming from. But so far I am sure it is from the sliding door)

I checked the awning with all the different tips from various posts from the forum - no change. I took out the table - no change. I drove a wee bit (slowly, of course) with open driver door - no change.

The next step is as soon as the weather improves to take everything out of the van and check it then. In the meantime I will check what Klakski has mentioned in the last post. After that I don't know.

The van is out of warranty. Even thought the rattle drives me nuts, I won't ask VW to look after it. They charge for the privilege to look after the California EUR 120.00 per hour. Only to locate from where the rattle is coming and how to fix it could be easily 2 - 3 hours. Pff. Very expensive rattle.

Quite California,
In my experience when you are sat in the driver seat every rattle that ever was sounds like it’s coming from the sliding door.
I tried absolutely everything to get rid of a loud metallic rattle that I could have sworn was coming from the sliding door.
By complete chance the rattle was cured when I replaced the rear shocks, springs and lower spring cups.
I had that same rattle near my right ear whilst driving our previous T6 Beach. I tried almost everything, alas with no results. The only thing I didn't check was something being lose inside the B pillar.

I eliminated the awning after extensive use of self adhesive felt cushion pads. The slider had new closing pins and housing plates fitted and was adjusted twice by the dealer under warranty. The slider roller mechanism was inspected and ruled out. I also checked the blinds and their mechanism, the roof and the seat belts and all were found not guilty.

I wish you luck as it was a complete sod to try to pin down.
I had that same rattle near my right ear whilst driving our previous T6 Beach. I tried almost everything, alas with no results. The only thing I didn't check was something being lose inside the B pillar.

I eliminated the awning after extensive use of self adhesive felt cushion pads. The slider had new closing pins and housing plates fitted and was adjusted twice by the dealer under warranty. The slider roller mechanism was inspected and ruled out. I also checked the blinds and their mechanism, the roof and the seat belts and all were found not guilty.

I wish you luck as it was a complete sod to try to pin down.
Wow, thx so much for the details here. I can’t believe that a mechanic or fitter doesn’t know! Hopefully one day we’ll sort. Seem mental in such an expensive van.

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