25seven Campers



T4 PopTop
Hi All, thanks for all the education with California in Falmouth
Does anyone have or know anyone who has experience of a company called 25seven Campers in Birmingham? Would appreciate any feedback.
David :help
Sorry cannot help you with feedback, BUT the company says they have been going since 2009. They state on their website that they have NO BT phone lines as there are none serving the Farm Complex where they are sited. Funny that as the house next door and other companies based there seem to have BT lines.
Must be using an expensive satellite connection for their broadband.
Satellite imagery from this year doesn't show much stock. In fact it doesn't show anything.
I would suggest a visit and no commitment beforehand as a minimum.
Screen Shot 2016-11-10 at 17.10.58.jpgScreen Shot 2016-11-10 at 17.11.21.jpg
Hi, Welsh, Thanks that's really helpful, I looked them up on registered companies and they've been operating for 2 years. The main Facebook page has feedback but they post the previous customer feedback rather than the people concerned. They seem to do a lot of brokerage deals selling on behalf of customers who don't want the hassle of selling their own vehicles. Sam who's the enthusiast was given a write in the Birmingham post, back then in 2009 he hired his T25 out this is how they started, then later got into selling. I was hoping someone had bought a Westy off them and could tell me what their experience was. I can't find any reveiws. I hope to pop up their in a couple of weeks.
I had dealings with this company today and I found the owner quite refreshing. I enquired about a 2002 T4 Westy Event Red-i 2.5 TDI 150HP. Sam the owner was very honest and explained in detail the good & bad points of the van. After a lengthy conversation I fully understood the history and the lifestyle of the van and its previous keepers. The business looks to be a small operation that relays on returning clients.

Hope this helps
The yellow one?
No they have sold the yellow one and also have a silver one that's under prep. It's had a cam belt snap at some point. All the work has been done and the engine has been pressure tested. The body has a few issues and the interior is lived in but it's a rare van.
No they have sold the yellow one and also have a silver one that's under prep. It's had a cam belt snap at some point. All the work has been done and the engine has been pressure tested. The body has a few issues and the interior is lived in but it's a rare van.
Been looked after then......!!!!
Hello all,

We came across this thread and thought it might be helpful to respond to some of the topics raised in the various posts.

25seven Campers Ltd is a small business specialising in the sale of quality used VW campervans. We are a three strong team and currently only carry about four vehicles in stock at any one time, all of which are kept undercover in our unit and so wouldn’t be visible from the road or Google Earth.

Established in 2009 as a rental company, then quickly sales also and ultimately sales only we operated on a sole trader basis at first and are just about to close our third year as a limited company. We do offer a brokerage scheme and have done so for the last four years, although I’d say the ratio of our own stock to brokerage vehicles is about 70/30.

Not having a landline is a frustration to us, but the position of our unit on a working farm means that running an overhead cable would be a no go due to the farm machinery and the huge concrete pad between us and the next unit with a landline means the cost of going underground would be astronomical.

I am pleased to say however that this month we are moving to larger premises still on the same site which does have a landline facility. The larger premises also mean that we can grow to accommodate up to ten vehicles at a time.

With regards to the silver Westfalia California Event, we were offered this one directly and its history as an incredibly rare UK only vehicle aligned to its huge specification meant we couldn’t let it pass. (Whilst we are running a business, it is driven by our passion for VW campers and so we bought this one on specification and the desire to own one really). Incidentally the cambelt failure wasn’t a case of neglect by the owner, but more ill advice by his garage. He had approached them to get it done but had been advised it didn’t need doing due to the mileage and not the 4 years maximum which we adhere to.

We drove the camper ourselves for circa 300 miles to ensure all was ok before putting it through our rigorous preparation procedure and ultimately selling on with a warranty in place. We were able to purchase the camper at a fair price and so could also sell it on at a price £4-5k less than it would have been worth had it been immaculate. At all times we had total transparency with its new owners.

We’re very happy that our name is getting referenced on VW California Club and should anybody want to know any more about us or our services then please feel free to get in touch. Better still drop in and we can show you round our new place with a nice cup of tea.


25seven Campers
Hello all,

We came across this thread and thought it might be helpful to respond to some of the topics raised in the various posts.

25seven Campers Ltd is a small business specialising in the sale of quality used VW campervans. We are a three strong team and currently only carry about four vehicles in stock at any one time, all of which are kept undercover in our unit and so wouldn’t be visible from the road or Google Earth.

Established in 2009 as a rental company, then quickly sales also and ultimately sales only we operated on a sole trader basis at first and are just about to close our third year as a limited company. We do offer a brokerage scheme and have done so for the last four years, although I’d say the ratio of our own stock to brokerage vehicles is about 70/30.

Not having a landline is a frustration to us, but the position of our unit on a working farm means that running an overhead cable would be a no go due to the farm machinery and the huge concrete pad between us and the next unit with a landline means the cost of going underground would be astronomical.

I am pleased to say however that this month we are moving to larger premises still on the same site which does have a landline facility. The larger premises also mean that we can grow to accommodate up to ten vehicles at a time.

With regards to the silver Westfalia California Event, we were offered this one directly and its history as an incredibly rare UK only vehicle aligned to its huge specification meant we couldn’t let it pass. (Whilst we are running a business, it is driven by our passion for VW campers and so we bought this one on specification and the desire to own one really). Incidentally the cambelt failure wasn’t a case of neglect by the owner, but more ill advice by his garage. He had approached them to get it done but had been advised it didn’t need doing due to the mileage and not the 4 years maximum which we adhere to.

We drove the camper ourselves for circa 300 miles to ensure all was ok before putting it through our rigorous preparation procedure and ultimately selling on with a warranty in place. We were able to purchase the camper at a fair price and so could also sell it on at a price £4-5k less than it would have been worth had it been immaculate. At all times we had total transparency with its new owners.

We’re very happy that our name is getting referenced on VW California Club and should anybody want to know any more about us or our services then please feel free to get in touch. Better still drop in and we can show you round our new place with a nice cup of tea.


25seven Campers
Thank you for a comprehensive post. I wish you the best for the future and hope you keep an eye on the Forum and the occasional advice to us amateurs.:thumb:thanks
You must understand people's suspicions when vehicles are advertised at well below market value.
......and the story of the yellow 150?

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