Cali Cali Cali
Hi all,
So, I'm really looking for someone with an engineers ear here, someone who knows what these engines are supposed to sound like, am I imagining this or does the inside of my engine sound like there's a mouse in there with a spoon smacking the inside of a tin can?
I know this might be me just overthinking it / lack of engine knowledge (it's our first Cali, she ain't brand new, she's got 95k and we do try to sort out any and all issues as we wanna keep her running sweet)
However, I've been noticing on the odd occasion a very charred / burning smell (a bit like the smell of burned Firestarters for a BBQ), again probably normal for dirty diesel engine?
Today, I started the engine, and noticed the smell again, decided to check the engine bay and did something probably not recommended, and opened the Oil filler cap - with engine running -, but when I opened it, the sound was immediately very concerning to my ears, it literally almost sounded like there was no oil and metal was smacking metal.
Is this a normal sound?
I've got a link to a video I'm sharing via google photos (not sure if it's allowed but hopefully is ok).
You can really notice the sound I'm trying to describe at 45 seconds into the video.
Please could anyone (mechanics / engine specialists ?) have a listen and tell me if this is normal for the Engine type / model / year in the title?
My father's a mechanic and has said to do a full oil change / filter change immediately then revaluate.
After reviewing the service history again, I noticed it's last full major was in 2017 at 80k odd miles - but although it stated an oil change and filter, the list also only stated that 1Ltr of Castrol 5W30 was priced up (so only a top up), and since then it's only had 'interval' service history. So I am suspecting it's not had a full on oil replacement for quite some time.
If you can spare any thoughts, I'd greatly appreciate it,
So, I'm really looking for someone with an engineers ear here, someone who knows what these engines are supposed to sound like, am I imagining this or does the inside of my engine sound like there's a mouse in there with a spoon smacking the inside of a tin can?
I know this might be me just overthinking it / lack of engine knowledge (it's our first Cali, she ain't brand new, she's got 95k and we do try to sort out any and all issues as we wanna keep her running sweet)
However, I've been noticing on the odd occasion a very charred / burning smell (a bit like the smell of burned Firestarters for a BBQ), again probably normal for dirty diesel engine?
Today, I started the engine, and noticed the smell again, decided to check the engine bay and did something probably not recommended, and opened the Oil filler cap - with engine running -, but when I opened it, the sound was immediately very concerning to my ears, it literally almost sounded like there was no oil and metal was smacking metal.
Is this a normal sound?
I've got a link to a video I'm sharing via google photos (not sure if it's allowed but hopefully is ok).
You can really notice the sound I'm trying to describe at 45 seconds into the video.
Please could anyone (mechanics / engine specialists ?) have a listen and tell me if this is normal for the Engine type / model / year in the title?
My father's a mechanic and has said to do a full oil change / filter change immediately then revaluate.
After reviewing the service history again, I noticed it's last full major was in 2017 at 80k odd miles - but although it stated an oil change and filter, the list also only stated that 1Ltr of Castrol 5W30 was priced up (so only a top up), and since then it's only had 'interval' service history. So I am suspecting it's not had a full on oil replacement for quite some time.
If you can spare any thoughts, I'd greatly appreciate it,