a word of warning THE RATS



A Beach at a Bay,
Super Poster
Lifetime VIP Member
T6 Ocean 150
thought you might like to hear our breakdown adventure.

Prior to buying our van in Sept I booked a long weekend in motel near Monmouth and as it was paid for we went ahead with it last weekend

Good day out Friday next day Pub lunch tour of the Brecons and up to Hay on Wye. Back to motel
ready to go to the Pub for the evening but the dreaded flashing orange light and limp mode :headbang

VW assist fantastic out in 30 minutes EGR valve I asked ??? plugged in "looks like it" then "Oh I did not expect that its the master break switch" break lights stuck on

not a road side repair so arranged transporter to take us home on Sunday morning 2990 miles on the clock

As it was Sunday VW arranged for the van to be taken home and for me to book into a van centre and once sorted they would collect van and arrange hire car

On Monday booked into Breeze van centre Southampton could have looked at it Monday but they were having forcourt resurfaced so could not get it into work shop.

Tuesday taken to van centre. Then the phone call "We have found the fault Rodant damage rats have bitten the wires to the break sensor and not covered by VW" :shocked

Van collected later that day £225 paid
Letter written to Motel head office due to the number of rats in their car park which I was watcing while waiting for VW assist without relising they were Cali fans.

Photos in gallery

1st class service from both Breeze Van Centre Southampton and VW assist
Have seen a couple of panel vans where the side repeater wiring has been chewed through by rodents, but not anything else.

At least it is sorted, were any parts replaced or was that just for wiring repair and investigation?

Hi Alex

It was wiring and investigation + switch( ?which had burnt out I think) have not got paper work with me ( 2 and 1/2 hours) The wires up by the servo / master cylinder were the ones they got Wet weekend expect it was nice and warm in there.

VW California Club
