AAAGHHH Seat rails



Blackdown hills, Somerset
T5 SE 180
how do you put in the seat rails stoppers
I moved mine, so I could slide the seat back .
But now, when I try to put it back it keeps lying down,
When I do manage to flip it up, I start screwing, and it falls over again
It is useful because the seat goes to far back when I put the bed down.
Any hints, nothing in the handbook or when I search the forum
Maby nobody is daft enough to remove it in the first place
Dumb question of the day - but why do you want to put them back?

I have taken mine out and they are staying out - I can put the seat exactly where I want it.
Cos when I push the bed back , without them it goes to far back
So the carpet doesnt fit correctly
Not a big deal I know
But surely I must be doing some thing. Wrong.
It is so hard to replace
1. How do you put in the seat rails stoppers.
2. The seat goes too far back when I put the bed down.
3. May be nobody is daft enough to remove it in the first place
1. I can't help you with refitting the seat rail stoppers, although it looks to be just the reverse of the removal process, perhaps adjusting the screws first so that they don't lie down.

2. The rear of your seat goes too far back and hits the rear mattress shelf when you put the bed down because you are not sliding the seat forward enough. Before I removed the stoppers I drew small lines using indelible marker pen on the seat rails to show where the seat has to positioned.

3. (IMO) it's not daft to remove the stoppers. At times we have found it to be very useful to be able to slide the seat fully forward so that you can access the area behind the seat by stepping in through the side door. For example, during the day we keep the portapotti under the rear shelf and, for an emergency stop, it is easy to slide the seat forward, slide the potti into the resulting space behind the seat and use it in this 'private' WC area. This saves opening the tailgate, unpacking the potti, and carrying it around to the main living area of the van. Obviously we could leave the potti in the living area all the time as some other people do, but we prefer it out of the way in the back.
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It's a pain. I took the front one out and then replaced it. A lot of cursing. I wouldn't bother putting it back in. ( I had to because it was the dealers van)
That is a good idea tactical, It is such a versatile space, one of the major bonuses of the design.
And so well thaught out, that is why I thaught I must be doing something wrong, making such a mountain of putting it back
The stop just keeps upending as it is top heavy. It would be eaisy to design a simple slidable .
I am sort of glad to know you struggled to pjm, not just me being daft

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