how do you put in the seat rails stoppers
I moved mine, so I could slide the seat back .
But now, when I try to put it back it keeps lying down,
When I do manage to flip it up, I start screwing, and it falls over again
It is useful because the seat goes to far back when I put the bed down.
Any hints, nothing in the handbook or when I search the forum
Maby nobody is daft enough to remove it in the first place
I moved mine, so I could slide the seat back .
But now, when I try to put it back it keeps lying down,
When I do manage to flip it up, I start screwing, and it falls over again
It is useful because the seat goes to far back when I put the bed down.
Any hints, nothing in the handbook or when I search the forum
Maby nobody is daft enough to remove it in the first place