Allergic reaction anyone?



This is a little bit strange, but for the past few times i've been away in the Cali, as soon as I settle in for the night (downstairs) I start sneezing violently...and can't stop. My eyes water, nose runs and blocks up. It's like severe hay fever, which incidentally I never have suffered with.

Nothing has changed in the van with regards bedding etc, but I've started using the diesel heater, as contrary to popular belief, it's chilly here in Andalucia at night.

Has anybody else had a similar experience or can offer any advice?


quick answer No
any change of washing powder for bedding
No changes to anything really. The only thing is the heating and the fact that the Cali goes without use for at least a month at a time, and the bedding is stored in the cupboard next to the fridge.
Have had similar reaction to old Down filled bedding, with the Down filling breaking up and filling the air with fine dust.

Rob H.

This is a little bit strange, but for the past few times i've been away in the Cali, as soon as I settle in for the night (downstairs) I start sneezing violently...and can't stop. My eyes water, nose runs and blocks up. It's like severe hay fever, which incidentally I never have suffered with.

Nothing has changed in the van with regards bedding etc, but I've started using the diesel heater, as contrary to popular belief, it's chilly here in Andalucia at night.

Has anybody else had a similar experience or can offer any advice?


What happens if you use the Heater - BEFORE you get the bedding / bed out at night?
Have had similar reaction to old Down filled bedding, with the Down filling breaking up and filling the air with fine dust.

Rob H.
I did wonder if it could be something like this.
What happens if you use the Heater - BEFORE you get the bedding / bed out at night?
Not tried it as during the day it's warm enough to not need the heater, but I will experiment to find out.
Could it really be the heater though? I can't think of anything during the heating process that could cause a reaction like this. However, I am open to be educated by someone with more knowledge on the subject of diesel heaters than I.
Have a read up on vasomotor rhinitis. My better half has a similar response when coming back into the house after we've been away in the van. We think it is related to how dry the air is (or the sudden change, at least)
Have a read up on vasomotor rhinitis. My better half has a similar response when coming back into the house after we've been away in the van. We think it is related to how dry the air is (or the sudden change, at least)
Tending to go with something that's occurring in the van as it clears up within a few hours of leaving the van, and nothing else in my little world causes this reaction
Something will be a bit mouldy.
Wash the bedding and tumble dry on high heat to make sure what ever it is is finished off. Just check you can on the washing instructions.
Treat pillows with suspicion too.
I'm asthmatic and don't need much encouraging for a campsite waking sneezing fit!
I would be bringing my bedding inside the house rather than leaving it in a cupboard in the van for a month.
Something will be a bit mouldy.
Wash the bedding and tumble dry on high heat to make sure what ever it is is finished off. Just check you can on the washing instructions.
Treat pillows with suspicion too.
I'm asthmatic and don't need much encouraging for a campsite waking sneezing fit!
Thanks for that. I strongly suspect this to be the case and will change all the bedding for new.
I sometimes get it when I put the heater fan on in my car
Can't stop sneezing.
I don't get it in the Cali with the heater
And it doesn't happen all the time in the car
I wonder if water or condensation in the pipes gets mould growing on them and this is then blown into the car
Like the black mould you see in the house growing on condensation
The bedding is less likely, if you don't get it with using the bedding in the house, as that is usually due to house dust mite faeces.
Thanks for your thoughts on this. I think it's going to be a case of trying one possible solutions at a time.
I sometimes get it when I put the heater fan on in my car
Can't stop sneezing.
I don't get it in the Cali with the heater
And it doesn't happen all the time in the car
I wonder if water or condensation in the pipes gets mould growing on them and this is then blown into the car
Like the black mould you see in the house growing on condensation
The bedding is less likely, if you don't get it with using the bedding in the house, as that is usually due to house dust mite faeces.
Vehicle Air Conditioning can be a common cause if not used very frequently. You can get a foam cleaner that you spray into the air ducts to clean and sterilise the system, also an aerosol that is set off in the vehicle with the Air Con set on recirculation.
So if the Air Con is not used very frequently - mines not turned off, not even in Winter - then you should sterilise annually to avoid this problem.

The California also has a pollen filter.

VW California Club
