alternative replacement worktop?

Tanya Gander

Tanya Gander

T5 SE 140
The glass worktop in our camper has shattered, despite the stainless steel protector. Nothing dropped on it, nothing hot sitting on it (we always use silicon mats), but it shattered as we lifted it up to use the sink.

Apparently it is not covered by warranty.... happened the day after it was serviced.... so my question is , before I spend over £200 on a glass replacement, has anyone replaced it with an alternative? Maybe some kind of laminate?

Many thanks for advice...
Just a thought, was it really hot in the Cali?? Wondering if the steel protector had expanded slightly stressing the glass?
If you could get the pattern for the glass you could
replace it with a different material.
I would keep it original.
Do you get a warranty on a new one ?
Just a thought, was it really hot in the Cali?? Wondering if the steel protector had expanded slightly stressing the glass?
It wasnt that hot inside, blinds were down and doors had been open for half an hour or so. Impossible to know I guess.
Only 200£ ? Looks cheap to me.
How will you attach the hinges on a aftermarket glas ?
If you don't want to pay the money just cover it up with a choppingboard or likewise ...
If you replace it with an alternative it will affect the resale value of the van, so I don't think you would save in the long run. You might as well pay the £200 and have the benefit of the correct oem part.
Why is it not covered under warranty? If it shatters within the first three years then I would expect it to be replaced unless putting the steel worktop covers on invalidates it?! On my last van the cooker lid hinge failed and I think the weight of the covers contributed. I took the covers off before getting it fixed under warranty then replaced them with the film protectors. Lightweight and aesthetically better IMO.
If the glass can shatter with the protector on what is the
protector protecting ?

VW California Club
