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Am I a totally deluded old tart who should be locked away

I'm worried.

I bought a California. I must be off my rocker.

It has corrosion problems. Well, if it did then so do my teeth and my teeth get fixed by a dentist as does my corrosion problems by VW.

Its plain and ugly. Well, so am I but as I benefit from a bit of make-up so does my cali. My bright red rug in the back does wonders for it.

It's not a merc. No. Sadly. I've had to change my shades from "monaco cool" to "wolfsburg functional". It just does the job that an hitherto unproved Marco Polo has yet to do. Bless it. Does not look cool at Cannes, sadly, but is supremely comfortable in Southend.

Oh my GOD! It has mechanical problems! You mean.. no...gosh.... a complex vehicle has bits going wrong with it? WOW! just like every other car I've had... "Dammit! Get rid!

It's a 50k vehicle, should be faultless? NO! You mean, it should not be like my last 5 BMW's and 2 Jaguars?

I've lived through this forum recently having a spate of "let's hate the cali, with all it's problems".

Well, my cali has a few. So did my merc, my BMW's, my range rover, and my beloved XKR.

I get up in the morning, turn on the ignition key, the vehicle works. I pull over, want a cup of tea, the vehicle works. I park up, want some headroom, up goes the roof, the vehicle works. I get cold, want to feel warm and snug in a force 10 snowstorm, then I can be warm and snug. I go shopping, want to park up, find a normal car park space, I fit in it. I feel like going 570 miles to buy a pair of shoes in Bremen (yes! True!).. I can drive all day long and feel as though I am driving a limo, not a van.

Frankly, it has it's pros, it has it's "can do better", it is not the coolest kid on the block, it just works. Love it or hate it, it works.

I love my cali, warts, foibles, roof rot, the lot, I just love it.


Said it.

I've just got p*iss*ed off with all the moaning.

If you don't like it, get rid. If you haven't got one, don't slag it off until you've tried it. If you've tried it and don't like it, sell it, you will get the best resale prices of any vehicle so love it. If you have one and think it works, say so.
Super I love mine too he is a friend
i'm a w
I'm worried.

I bought a California. I must be off my rocker.

It has corrosion problems. Well, if it did then so do my teeth and my teeth get fixed by a dentist as does my corrosion problems by VW.

Its plain and ugly. Well, so am I but as I benefit from a bit of make-up so does my cali. My bright red rug in the back does wonders for it.

It's not a merc. No. Sadly. I've had to change my shades from "monaco cool" to "wolfsburg functional". It just does the job that an hitherto unproved Marco Polo has yet to do. Bless it. Does not look cool at Cannes, sadly, but is supremely comfortable in Southend.

Oh my GOD! It has mechanical problems! You mean.. no...gosh.... a complex vehicle has bits going wrong with it? WOW! just like every other car I've had... "Dammit! Get rid!

It's a 50k vehicle, should be faultless? NO! You mean, it should not be like my last 5 BMW's and 2 Jaguars?

I've lived through this forum recently having a spate of "let's hate the cali, with all it's problems".

Well, my cali has a few. So did my merc, my BMW's, my range rover, and my beloved XKR.

I get up in the morning, turn on the ignition key, the vehicle works. I pull over, want a cup of tea, the vehicle works. I park up, want some headroom, up goes the roof, the vehicle works. I get cold, want to feel warm and snug in a force 10 snowstorm, then I can be warm and snug. I go shopping, want to park up, find a normal car park space, I fit in it. I feel like going 570 miles to buy a pair of shoes in Bremen (yes! True!).. I can drive all day long and feel as though I am driving a limo, not a van.

Frankly, it has it's pros, it has it's "can do better", it is not the coolest kid on the block, it just works. Love it or hate it, it works.

I love my cali, warts, foibles, roof rot, the lot, I just love it.


Said it.

I've just got p*iss*ed off with all the moaning.

If you don't like it, get rid. If you haven't got one, don't slag it off until you've tried it. If you've tried it and don't like it, sell it, you will get the best resale prices of any vehicle so love it. If you have one and think it works, say so.[/QUO

I'm a 'West Coast Person', I like watching the sun go down at the end of the day, I wondered what it would be like to sleep on the beach and get up in the morning 'on the beach', not on a campsite near it, not in hotel looking at it, but actually on a deserted beach. My van allows me to do that, I don't have the time or the inclination to moan about what my van won't do ..

Rob H.
Spot on. I've just bought an old 14yr old BMW Z3, 3L roadster. In a way, just like my California, it just works and, just like the Cali, makes you feel good.
The California for me has changed my life. It's opened opportunities that I doubt if I'd have taken.
I'm not a camper and still wouldn't be. For me it's about a freedom that is so enjoyable.
It probably doesn't have to be a California to experience it but I'm pleased and proud that I can do it in a Cali.
Am I a deluded old fart who needs to be locked away

I ordered my California last July and joined the forum to gain valuable information as someone who had not owned one before. I read with interest some of the threads written by people who obviously use them and enjoyed them for what they are. Then I started to read the negative comments about the vehicle and I wondered if I had done the right thing. I picked the vehicle up on New Year's Eve and all the negative thoughts went out of my head. It is better than I thought and I am looking forward to some exciting adventures ahead in 2017. I may be deluded but I know that things may go wrong with it, after all there are moving parts on it. I know it is not a Marco Polo but I did not want one and I will not be on the Marco Polo forum slagging off the vehicle that some people want to own. I hope they are as happy with their purchase as I am with mine. Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity to go away and stay in it overnight, dam work gets in the way.
Today my wife's sister and her husband came to have a look at the Cali and we sat in the in the communal car park where I park it for two hours, drinking coffee and just doing nothing but sitting down talking about what a great vehicle it is and enjoying doing nothing but,as the youngters say, chilling out. I am now 54 and have owned lots of vehicles over the years and they all have their own issues of reliability.
I hope to post some of the travels we have and look forward to seeing parts of this country we have not seen before.
If this is deluded then I am happy to be a deluded old fart.
Welcome @Gez B :D

Well, 2 1/4 years after I queried my sanity in such a public manner may I say my happiness and satisfaction levels with Albert have never been higher :)

Yes, a couple of annoying blips, but to be expected.

I also agree with your comments re MP .... A very interesting machine with lots of nice touches. However it's not for me.
Thanks for the welcome you are obviously happy with Albert. I have never thought about naming a vehicle but after my wife realises other people name their California's it will probably have a name like Ewan or Hugh jackman or God forbid Robbie williams should I blame you
Thanks for the welcome you are obviously happy with Albert. I have never thought about naming a vehicle but after my wife realises other people name their California's it will probably have a name like Ewan or Hugh jackman or God forbid Robbie williams should I blame you

I had to fight tooth and nail to ward off my Mum-in-law who would of called it Vera :shocked
My wife has seen this now and thinks Paolo nutini is good idea. I hope she is winding me up.
I'm new to Californias. From my experience, great machines are as good as their drivers. Apart from the roof rust, all issues I've had have been user error. I am learning though -
- should have put bungee on sooner. Had mishap with bellows when leaving early in dark. Trying not to think too deeply about it and damage
- should have read manual sooner so understood how cruise control worked before I'd driven 1300 miles and got ancle ache. Am very impressed with cruise control - who knew?
- bit hit and miss on getting down stairs bed working - but there is a spare
Re: Am I a totally deluded old tart who should be locked awa

I totally agree with what has been said. I am also part of the "silent majority" who doesnt post much but reads a lot. I have had my cali for over two years and have not had a single problem (which wasnt of my own making :oops: ). I do have the roof issue but I am not worried about it at all - I have asked SMG to look at it when my new Kenwood 525 is fitted next week. Having owned a Chrysler Alpine in the distant past I really know what real corrosion issues look like! Hands up everyone who has had a jacking point give way due to rust and headlights that move around because their mounting has rusted away :crazy . Dont recall seeing anything like that on any Cali / T5.

I too looked at all of the other campervans at the NEC last week and as others have said none of them match the flexibility of the Cali. We have two large dogs who fill the space between the front and rear seats. On a trip the "boot" is full of walking boots / wellies, wet/drying water proofs, dog food etc. No other campervan that I could see had as much space. I think the idea of having a shower / loo in a van the size of a T5 just takes up too much precious space. We have a Qube loo in the boot which I always take out and put behind the passenger seat at night but we have never used it. True we dont do real wild camping, and I am sure that the Qube will come in handy when we do, but to me I would rather have the storage space than a permanent loo.

The dogs just discovered a new feature - when one of the front seats is turned around at night they can reach up in the morning and rest their front paws on the upstairs bed and nudge us in the head as a wake-up call - so they love the Cali too! It is good that we have the Berghaus seat covers.

Corrosion was in a different league back in the sixties. Recall a Vauxhall Velox 1962 model that I bought with instructions not to open the passenger door. Needless to say I did and 3 hours later with the aid of a fence post got it closed again. Also recall an Uncle turning up and taking the Family out in a Ford V8 Pilot with no floor just a few planks and wet legs when it hit a puddle.
Doubt if a Cali will ever achieve those levels of corrosion. Just have to be disappointed on that I guess.:)
I had an A35 that if you leant with your hand on either wing then your hand was likely to go through it :shocked
Yes in my Triumph Herald days I spent weekends pop riveting aluminium plate underneath the rust and then filling. It was an improvement on my A40 though.
When I worked for BL things were so bad we even considered the Aggro to be an improvement, square steering wheel included.

I always remember my boss picking up his bright, shiney new Princess and driving me home in it. Half-way down the M4 he wondered why he had a wet foot. The power steering fluid had been steadily dripping on it :shocked
Re: Am I a totally deluded old tart who should be locked awa

+1 to everything everyone is saying on this thread!
Like Fishyboy, I don't post much but do keep tabs on the forum on a daily basis.
Had Cali for 2yr 8m; daily driver, done 39k miles. No sign of roof rot - but as DMB9R says, warranty is 6 yrs now so I'm not fretting - I'll check again in a year or 2. Just back from a 2 week tour if France. Managed to gather 12 dozen bottles of wine along the way (maybe I should review my alcohol consumption !) without really realising the amount - huge boot space meant we could just 'carry on camping'! I cook in it, sleep in it, use it for holidays and popping down the shops. I'm not precious about it - I know it will get a few bumps and scratches through its life, and that, with age, there will probably be problems (esp with the electrics, given the amount and complexity of them) but, hey, they'll be dealt with if / when they happen. I'm not going to worry about things that might not happen. Or things that do happen (airbag warning light came on last Sunday, and thanks to the forum I know what the issue is, and how to get it resolved). I'm too busy enjoying owning and using my Cali to worry about all these little things.


Yep, I'm with you Granny Jen. Wife Jen and I have done just over 1000 miles now and , well , nothing has gone wrong !!! We drove up to Scotland from Shropshire for Christmas into Storm Barbara at 70 mph and ,on a full to full check , got 36 to the gallon ( 150 manual ). Promising I think. It was quiet , stable and a pleasure to drive. Slept on a friends drive over New Year and overslept ! Looking forward to a good year making full use of it. Pete Toogood
I own a 1979 triumph bonneville if you are lucky you may get to your destination with all the all the bits still on the bike. It rattles that much that it shakes your fillings out and the lights work when they feel like it and were designed by the prince of darkness. But I love that bike with all its faults and would not have bought it without knowing all the stress it would cause me. The California will start every time and take me in comfort wherever I want it to take me I feel like I am being spoilt every time I get in it. Due to work commitments I have not had the opportunity to go away and sleep in it yet, but I know it will be good due to build quality of the van I own.
41,000 miles in 2 years, from Nordkapp to Italy and many places in between, I've only had 1 hiccup, an EGR valve replaced at 900 miles and 10 days old. Even then it didn't stop me driving to the Dealership. Wouldn't be without it.
Less problems than the new Defender, Mazda RX8 or the Alfa Romeo before it.
Spent many, many nights in it and in hotels all over.
It's going to have a 2 week rest courtesy of Heathrow Long Stay shortly and I'm sure it won't get upset and be waiting for us when we get back. Pity we couldn't take it with us! But We'll be of to Scandinavia soon followed by a little road trip to Italy again.:bananadance2
I noticed that VW were conspicuous by their absence at the NEC in October, perhaps the demand for Californias and Beaches is so high that they don’t need to attend! We are not using our Cali so much in the winter but it was very useful as a pantry and auxiliary fridge when we stocked up for the Christmas period! We had a great first year spending 53 nights away in it, from Cornwall to Kent, Edinburgh to the Mull of Kintyre and points between. Looking forward to doing it again.
I'm worried.

I bought a California. I must be off my rocker.

It has corrosion problems. Well, if it did then so do my teeth and my teeth get fixed by a dentist as does my corrosion problems by VW.

Its plain and ugly. Well, so am I but as I benefit from a bit of make-up so does my cali. My bright red rug in the back does wonders for it.

It's not a merc. No. Sadly. I've had to change my shades from "monaco cool" to "wolfsburg functional". It just does the job that an hitherto unproved Marco Polo has yet to do. Bless it. Does not look cool at Cannes, sadly, but is supremely comfortable in Southend.

Oh my GOD! It has mechanical problems! You mean.. no...gosh.... a complex vehicle has bits going wrong with it? WOW! just like every other car I've had... "Dammit! Get rid!

It's a 50k vehicle, should be faultless? NO! You mean, it should not be like my last 5 BMW's and 2 Jaguars?

I've lived through this forum recently having a spate of "let's hate the cali, with all it's problems".

Well, my cali has a few. So did my merc, my BMW's, my range rover, and my beloved XKR.

I get up in the morning, turn on the ignition key, the vehicle works. I pull over, want a cup of tea, the vehicle works. I park up, want some headroom, up goes the roof, the vehicle works. I get cold, want to feel warm and snug in a force 10 snowstorm, then I can be warm and snug. I go shopping, want to park up, find a normal car park space, I fit in it. I feel like going 570 miles to buy a pair of shoes in Bremen (yes! True!).. I can drive all day long and feel as though I am driving a limo, not a van.

Frankly, it has it's pros, it has it's "can do better", it is not the coolest kid on the block, it just works. Love it or hate it, it works.

I love my cali, warts, foibles, roof rot, the lot, I just love it.


Said it.

I've just got p*iss*ed off with all the moaning.

If you don't like it, get rid. If you haven't got one, don't slag it off until you've tried it. If you've tried it and don't like it, sell it, you will get the best resale prices of any vehicle so love it. If you have one and think it works, say so.
I'm worried.

I bought a California. I must be off my rocker.

It has corrosion problems. Well, if it did then so do my teeth and my teeth get fixed by a dentist as does my corrosion problems by VW.

Its plain and ugly. Well, so am I but as I benefit from a bit of make-up so does my cali. My bright red rug in the back does wonders for it.

It's not a merc. No. Sadly. I've had to change my shades from "monaco cool" to "wolfsburg functional". It just does the job that an hitherto unproved Marco Polo has yet to do. Bless it. Does not look cool at Cannes, sadly, but is supremely comfortable in Southend.

Oh my GOD! It has mechanical problems! You mean.. no...gosh.... a complex vehicle has bits going wrong with it? WOW! just like every other car I've had... "Dammit! Get rid!

It's a 50k vehicle, should be faultless? NO! You mean, it should not be like my last 5 BMW's and 2 Jaguars?

I've lived through this forum recently having a spate of "let's hate the cali, with all it's problems".

Well, my cali has a few. So did my merc, my BMW's, my range rover, and my beloved XKR.

I get up in the morning, turn on the ignition key, the vehicle works. I pull over, want a cup of tea, the vehicle works. I park up, want some headroom, up goes the roof, the vehicle works. I get cold, want to feel warm and snug in a force 10 snowstorm, then I can be warm and snug. I go shopping, want to park up, find a normal car park space, I fit in it. I feel like going 570 miles to buy a pair of shoes in Bremen (yes! True!).. I can drive all day long and feel as though I am driving a limo, not a van.

Frankly, it has it's pros, it has it's "can do better", it is not the coolest kid on the block, it just works. Love it or hate it, it works.

I love my cali, warts, foibles, roof rot, the lot, I just love it.


Said it.

I've just got p*iss*ed off with all the moaning.

If you don't like it, get rid. If you haven't got one, don't slag it off until you've tried it. If you've tried it and don't like it, sell it, you will get the best resale prices of any vehicle so love it. If you have one and think it works, say so.

You forgot to mention the emissions scandal! Haha - wonderful post and splendid analysis and yes people on this forum do like a good moan!!

For me I do actually love this vehicle and in the quiet times with my wife recovering from some pretty heavy cancer treatment in 2016 we sit, as we did today, in our little tin van and contemplate life, often with a birds eye view of the sea while we sip our wine or our tea and we think we are indeed fortunate to be able to afford such a flexible, luxurious lifestyle vehicle and yes we would hate it if we lost it or it was taken away and so you are right to speak up for its good points and indeed its great points that do override some of its small problems.

I suspect the VW California is a bit like most people. It is not perfect but it means well and overall its well built and designed to cope with almost every environmental challenge while seeking to provide shelter, warmth and comfort and so on reflection it is a great vehicle and a wonderful design and above all it has brought us all together to reflect on our mutual passions in trying to make life a bit sweeter!

And so I would like to raise a toast for our 'tin tripper' and say let's be grateful we own one amid the mass of the population who cannot afford one and enjoy it while it lasts while we enjoy it while we last!

Amen brothers and sisters and see you all on the other side! (I mean in Wales!!!)

Best wishes all and thanks for your presence on vwcalifornia .com Granny Jen - I love you!! xx
Last edited:
You forgot to mention the emissions scandal! Haha - wonderful post and splendid analysis and yes people on this forum do like a good moan!!

For me I do actually love this vehicle and in the quiet times with my wife recovering from some pretty heavy cancer treatment in 2016 we sit, as we did today, in our little tin van and contemplate life, often with a birds eye view of the sea while we sip our wine or our tea and we think we are indeed fortunate to be able to afford such a flexible, luxious lifestyle vehicle and yes we would hate it if we lost it or it was taken away and so you are right to speak up for its good points and indeed its great points that do override some of its small problems.

I suspect the VW California is a bit like most people. It is not perfect but it means well and overall its well built and designed to cope with almost every environmental challenge while seeking to provide shelter, warmth and comfort and so on reflection it is a great vehicle and a wonderful design and above all it has brought us all together to reflect on our mutual passions in trying to make life a bit sweeter!

And so I would like to raise a toast for our 'tin tripper' and say let's be grateful we own one amid the mass of the population who cannot afford one and enjoy it while it lasts while we enjoy it while we last!

Amen brothers and sisters and see you all on the other side! (I mean in Wales!!!)

Best wishes all and thanks for your presence on vwcalifornia .com Granny Jen - I love you!! xx
Well said that man. At last some sensible posting recognising how fortunate we are to own a Cali. I wish you and your wife a long future and many happy times .
You forgot to mention the emissions scandal! Haha - wonderful post and splendid analysis and yes people on this forum do like a good moan!!

For me I do actually love this vehicle and in the quiet times with my wife recovering from some pretty heavy cancer treatment in 2016 we sit, as we did today, in our little tin van and contemplate life, often with a birds eye view of the sea while we sip our wine or our tea and we think we are indeed fortunate to be able to afford such a flexible, luxious lifestyle vehicle and yes we would hate it if we lost it or it was taken away and so you are right to speak up for its good points and indeed its great points that do override some of its small problems.

I suspect the VW California is a bit like most people. It is not perfect but it means well and overall its well built and designed to cope with almost every environmental challenge while seeking to provide shelter, warmth and comfort and so on reflection it is a great vehicle and a wonderful design and above all it has brought us all together to reflect on our mutual passions in trying to make life a bit sweeter!

And so I would like to raise a toast for our 'tin tripper' and say let's be grateful we own one amid the mass of the population who cannot afford one and enjoy it while it lasts while we enjoy it while we last!

Amen brothers and sisters and see you all on the other side! (I mean in Wales!!!)

Best wishes all and thanks for your presence on vwcalifornia .com Granny Jen - I love you!! xx

Emissions scandal!

Young man, my original post predates that particular self-inflicted bullet "in der unternehmen fuss!"

I am sat in Albert now. As always a faultless performance getting me here, despite a confrontation with a speed camera that I fear may well have cost me three points on my clean licence.

I am warm, comfortable, been watching television via a little device that plugs into my laptop and with sound provided by my bose mini, everything is right with the world and I am content. Times like this then there is nothing that I would swap Albert for. All the glitz, bling and glamour in the world could not replace the feeling of comfortable, unpretentious efficiency and capability of doing the job.

Nothing is perfect, not even me, everything has a fault lurking somewhere, a problem waiting to make itself known, but at this moment the feeling of understated security, comfort and reliability just makes me all warm and fuzzy.

I hope your wife is recovering well. Sometimes the only thing worse than cancer treatment is the cancer itself and in those moments of dire discomfort then the escape bubble that is the Cali can be priceless. Long may you both have happy times in yours.
Oh, how I have tried to be patient during my obligatory wait with the thrill of expectation and anticipated excitement. Oh, how I have tried to be positive in a sea of quicksand. All the comments about the still unavailable MP, the ongoing roof issues for T5 owners and now the T6. I must confess had it not been for the words of Jen balancing my emotions and expections when the news of the first T6 roof problem were uttered I would have cancelled my current order for a T6 Cali. Those words put back the balance/perspective in my thinking. I did not cancel my order. I'm glad I didn't. I made plans instead.

At the end of March we are off to see Beachy Head. Oh my God, you might say, that's a bit serious. No, no we are not going to jump even if we do look over the edge. We have only ever seen the white cliffs from the sea and we just want to see what they are like by standing on top of them. That will be our first trip.

We would not be doing this if we didn't have the Cali - I don't know why but I just know we wouldn't be. We will be exploring the Netherlands in June and July, we could have gone on any number of times before but didn't even though it was on our list to visit. Then off to central France to see some Friends and on to the Puy du Fou before coming home. Non of this would be happening if we hadn't ordered a Cali. So as you can see it has already changed my life and I haven't even taken delivery of it yet!! Tell me of another vehicle that can do that! I just can't wait to start my new life......The Highlands in September?

@GrannyJen thank you for reminding us all how lucky we are.

I noticed that VW were conspicuous by their absence at the NEC in October, perhaps the demand for Californias and Beaches is so high that they don’t need to attend! We are not using our Cali so much in the winter but it was very useful as a pantry and auxiliary fridge when we stocked up for the Christmas period! We had a great first year spending 53 nights away in it, from Cornwall to Kent, Edinburgh to the Mull of Kintyre and points between. Looking forward to doing it again.
I don't think VW ever have an official presence at the NEC, only the Converters.
When I worked for BL things were so bad we even considered the Aggro to be an improvement, square steering wheel included.

I always remember my boss picking up his bright, shiney new Princess and driving me home in it. Half-way down the M4 he wondered why he had a wet foot. The power steering fluid had been steadily dripping on it :shocked
I had one, an Allegro that is, and it soon got the name "Allaggro".:D

VW California Club
