Home is where you park it
VIP Member
Now a legal requirement for over 3500kg (GC 680) in France to tell cyclists I may not see them and turn in 

**update: reading the small print of the act, if your ‘vehicle’ has a direct vision system or glass doors then you can place as close as possible to the 0.1m rule from the front but no more than 3m. I read this as ‘if you have visibility’ you have more flexibility.
Further reading: https://www.iota.org.uk/blog/blind-...france-new-law-in-place-from-1st-january-2021

**update: reading the small print of the act, if your ‘vehicle’ has a direct vision system or glass doors then you can place as close as possible to the 0.1m rule from the front but no more than 3m. I read this as ‘if you have visibility’ you have more flexibility.
Further reading: https://www.iota.org.uk/blog/blind-...france-new-law-in-place-from-1st-january-2021

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