Anyone going to CarFest North 2017?



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Up North
T5 SE 180
This will be our first CarFest and in the California (yes, we have the required campervan permit).

Any seasoned CarFest-ers or festival-goers out there who can provide any hints, tips or gotchas?

Just starting to stuff things in the van now so would welcome any suggestions for essentials and/or stuff not to bother with (for example, do I need to take levelling ramps?).

I will try do some Cali spotting in the parking area. Hope to see you there!
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This will be our first CarFest and in the California (yes, we have the required campervan permit).

Any seasoned CarFest-ers or festival-goers out there who can provide any hints, tips or gotchas?

Just starting to stuff things in the van now so would welcome any suggestions for essentials and/or stuff not to bother with (for example, do I need to bother with levelling ramps?).

I will try do some Cali spotting in the parking area. Hope to see you there!
Never heard of it, googled it, looks great, all tickets sold out now.

Never heard of it, googled it, looks great, all tickets sold out now.

Clearly you are not a 'breakfast-show' listener to Radio 2 - Chris Evans is constantly banging on about it. Fair enough really as I think he takes the credit for the idea and it's all in a good cause - Children in Need. Full details here:

and here is a link to this year's festival guide for North:,I6AU,2FB8J2,1WNZL,1#/7e2aaae9/1
Clearly you are not a 'breakfast-show' listener to Radio 2 - Chris Evans is constantly banging on about it. Fair enough really as I think he takes the credit for the idea and it's all in a good cause - Children in Need. Full details here:

and here is a link to this year's festival guide for North:,I6AU,2FB8J2,1WNZL,1#/7e2aaae9/1
I must live in a bubble, have radio 2 on in the background all the time at the office but never really listen to it. The music line up looks good, my era, I used to style myself on Rick Astley LOL. Paul Heaton & Jackie Abbot are fab, went to see them at Scarborough open air last year, brilliant gig. Will have to be more assertive. Hope you have a good time and I shall keep an ear open for the next one.
We've been to Carfest South for the past two years but previously we've been in a tent. This will be our first year in the Cali so can't offer any advice in that respect unfortunately. It's a great weekend. Really looking forward to it.
We're off to Carfest South in the Cali for the first time - let us know how you get on and enjoy!
This will be our first CarFest and in the California (yes, we have the required campervan permit).

Any seasoned CarFest-ers or festival-goers out there who can provide any hints, tips or gotchas?

Just starting to stuff things in the van now so would welcome any suggestions for essentials and/or stuff not to bother with (for example, do I need to take levelling ramps?).

I will try do some Cali spotting in the parking area. Hope to see you there!

Just replying to myself with some feedback that hopefully others might find useful for future reference.

Levelling ramps were definitely needed - the whole campervan/caravan parking was on a slope sufficiently steep to require use of highest point on ramps.

On-site facilities were really pretty poor - only one potable water supply that I could find (so just as well we had filled the Cali tank to max. before setting off) and one shower unit/container (with no space for changing - not even a hook in the shower cubicle); toilets were exactly what you'd expect I'm afraid - quickly deteriorating from just OK to grim.

As regards the event itself, well, it had so much potential but - for me and my family - we were more entertained by the non-car stuff and frankly very disappointed by the music part of the festival - the line-up & performances were not exactly amazing (whereas last year apparently was) and the sound (or sound system) was truly (and suprisingly?) appalling! On stage as the host/MC, Chris Evans was a bit too self-indulgent in my opinion - felt more like ChrisFest at times ...

That said, the California proved itself yet again - weather the whole weekend was generally wet but Cali was a nice, dry home-from-home with all the creature comforts to make the weekend enjoyable whatever the weather. I kept a lookout for club members but never saw any stickers; in fact, I saw very few genuine Calis - plenty of conversions (turning into a bit of a van-spotter).
Thanks Spartan for the update - really useful. I wonder if the facilities will be any different for CarFest South (she says hopefully)?
Thanks Spartan for the update - really useful. I wonder if the facilities will be any different for CarFest South (she says hopefully)?

I've been to Carfest South in a tent for the past couple of years. The camping field has flat bits and a hilly but I believe they've changed things around this year so that the car park is on the hilly bit (I think). The motorhome bit has been on a flat bit previously but I'm not sure what they're doing this year. Mrs Two Pints (who knows about these things) says there are about 400 campervans/motorhomes this year!!!

Toilets do deteriorate over the weekend but last year I found the showers to be excellent. I think they come in a variety of shapes and sizes but the ones I had were like having a bathroom to myself! Never seen a shower like it at a festival before. My tip would be to avoid the showers first thing, go to the festival and pop back during the day for a shower. You should have your pick of them by then.

Whether or not the music is what you want is each to their own. We don't just go for the music, some bands we like, some we don't, some are great, others are bands that we wouldn't have seen unless we'd been to Carfest and really enjoyed, it's just a great atmosphere.

The music at South seems OK, Kaiser Chiefs, Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbott and Olly Murs on Friday should be good. On Saturday, if you haven't seen Seasick Steve before, you might be in for a surprise and The Jacksons will be fun.

Sunday looks OK, but nothing that stands out. Texas are always good value and Marc Almond and Rick Astley will be good if you're of that era too.

We're not really into cars, they charge up and down the track all day so you can wander along and watch for a bit before going off to do other things. If you're there for the whole weekend, I would suggest taking it easy, you'll easily get round the lot during the course of the weekend so we take things leisurely and wander down to the festival when whenever we're ready without rushing.

I hope you enjoy it. We always have done.
Thanks Mr Two Pints good to hear about your previous experiences. Fingers crossed for the flat fields!

Agree on the music front - personal choice. We've seen a few of these bands live recently and I'm sure they'll do a great set.

We did V fest last year and thoroughly enjoyed the experience (although didn't have the Cali then) so looking forward to the whole weekend.

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