Anyone used this coolbox?



Great Britain
T6 Beach 150
hi all,
I realise there are lots of threads on cool-boxes, I've tried to read them all (before you tell me off Hotelcalifornia! :) ).
Was searching round the web and found this box on Amazon for what seems like a good discount. Anyone used this before? Any recommendations or warnings?

Thanks y'all.
I bought that Mobicool one and ended up taking it back as it did not freeze to -18 degrees which is what a freezer needs to do for food safety. I exchanged it for the Waeco CF35 which does work properly as a freezer. Mobicool is part of the Waeco group and shares many components but there was a difference in quality between the Waeco and Mobicool products.
hi all,
I realise there are lots of threads on cool-boxes, I've tried to read them all (before you tell me off Hotelcalifornia! :) )..


Can't help you on cool- did good using the search function...;)
It not always gives the answer but at least you did an effort:thumb
Before we bought the Cali we were keen campers. We bought a Coleman portable 3 way camping fridge. Mains, 12v electric and gas. We got the fridge cold at home on the mains before we left, occasionally used 12V in the car, but put it onto gas at the campsite. It would run for weeks on a 907 bottle with no risk of running your battery down or needing a mains hookup. Perfect for wild camping and with the temperature at 30C in the tent, it still kept the contents at 1-2C without effort.
Amazon do this one which looks very similar.,160_&refRID=17G8A4DS5T2DQ4C02GTT
The fridge is still working perfectly now 12 years later. It does freeze contents if you turn it too low. We unplugged it from the gas for using the cooker and then plugged it back onto gas when that was finished.
I bought the Mobicool FR-35 last week when it was on special offer from Amazon at £197. Arrived the next day and I tested it for 8 hrs + 2 degrees setting. I used an additional thermometer to verify the temperature and it sat at 3 degrees during the test. The ambient outside temperature was 14 degrees and it took ~10 mins to achieve the set temperature before the compressor switched off. The compressor then switched on for ~5 mins every hour to maintain the set temperature.
The build quality is very good and the compressor is also very quiet. It is perfect for my needs and I can happily live the fact that it can only get down to ~ -15 degrees as I intend to mainly use it as a fridge.
I have the Waeco CF-40 which is excellent for running on 12v, it's also very quiet and doesn't disturb your sleep. I also have an Electrolux RC-1600 three way absorption fridge that I've had for 30 years plus - I think the Dometic 2200 is the same model updated as they bought out Electrolux. It runs well on 240v and gas, but on 12v it does not regulate the temperature well and will not make ice. So it was a good fridge for getting to the campsite in France and kept things cool in the car on the way, but once on site it was used on gas or mains and would make ice - in those days you could buy dutyfree on the ferry:bananadance.

For touring in the California or any campervan the Waeco compressor fridge is a much better option in my opinion as the performance on 12v/24v is as good as mains.

The 12 volt option on absorption coolers is only to maintain the temp when travelling.
It is not intended as a service supply and uses way too much power anyway.

I recently purchased this model of fridge because they are manufactured by Weaco. I had the budget to buy a Weaco CF35 but after a little research decided that this product is certainly capable of dealing with summer temperatures in most Europen countries, it runs very quietly and has a sturdy build quality. It keeps our milk, butter, meet and beer cold. I'm sure you will be happy with the performance as long as you don't intend on using it as deep freeze in the Australian outback.

What ever one you choose you will have a good quality product.

Best regards

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