Great spot for a Cally On Camping! Pubs, beer, food, scenery. Loads of places to walk, we didn’t get to see them all so good to see the photos above. Need to make another trip next year.
Thanks to Andy for organising everything.
I’ll post up a few pics of the places we visited for anyone who never got there. Here’s the bridge at Burnsall.
Glad you all had a great time and thank you very much to Andy for arranging this on behalf of the club, hopefully this will encourage more people to arrange their own small meets around the country
Thanks for organizing Andy. A great turnout including the midges!!
A great location with amazing views. I was surprised that we all (including thousands of children) managed with the site facilities but it all worked out well.
It was great to make new friends and get to see some old friends some from as far as Switzerland.
Meetings don't have to be 'big' to be successful as this one has proven. again Andy
Thanks for organising Andy, we will definitely return to the area soon as we really liked it, lovely to meet everyone and we came away with a few more items on our shopping list
Just another vote of thanks to Andy for "volunteering".
Our first forum meet: enjoyed "kicking the tyres". It was a bit "blowy" - but perhaps that was our fault for heading for the water view pitch = wind tunnel. A good test for the Sheltapod though
Thanks for arranging this meet. S1ANDS2 now safely back in Switzerland after 3500km on the road. Apologies for leaving the playground on the Saturday afternoon due to our change of plans. Was a real pleasure to talk to you all and pick up some great tips. Nice to meet an friend from Champagne meet 2017.