Automatic side door broken



T5 HighTop
Hi ,can any one help me with this problem,our Cali side door is automatic but yesterday when we went to open it it struggled then we realised the cable that must pull it back had snapped. Has anyone had this happen and if so was it an expensive job to fix? I would appreciate any advice
It is not so thing that I have heard of Wendy, however the depth of knowledge that we have on this forum, hopefully someone can help.
For an idea what's involved, here's a video of a guy fitting replacement cables:
Hi ,can any one help me with this problem,our Cali side door is automatic but yesterday when we went to open it it struggled then we realised the cable that must pull it back had snapped. Has anyone had this happen and if so was it an expensive job to fix? I would appreciate any advice
Not a common problem mentioned on the Forum.
Here is the Sliding door part with cable Part 16.

Screen Shot 2017-07-31 at 14.18.19.jpg

Cable Part.

I have been to a garage and the guy looked online for the part ,it was the full long mechanism ,it was £256 before vat .I read on one of the forums of the door going so far then going back again,ours was doing that occasionally before this happened
That is exactly our problem Welshgas ,thank you ,now I just wish I was capable of fixing it my self
Hi ,can any one help me with this problem,our Cali side door is automatic but yesterday when we went to open it it struggled then we realised the cable that must pull it back had snapped. Has anyone had this happen and if so was it an expensive job to fix? I would appreciate any advice
Yes had mine replaced a couple of months ago. Think was about £750.00 main dealer, motor was about £500.00 plus 2.5hrs labour.
Maybe see the recent topic on converting the electrickery side door to manual, estimate around £300 and no more bills or tantrums. ;)
Had mine replaced under warranty two weeks ago. I asked for the breakdown even though it was carried out under warranty.

" We replaced the side loading door Electric Opening Motor and cables-costs to replace outside warranty would be £605.99 inc of VAT"

The power latching was changed back in May under warranty. Cost for that was £270 ish.
Big thank you for putting on the video of the guy replacing the cables on the sliding side door iDandilions .i bought the parts for £8 99 on eBay took it to a local garage ,the lad watched the video and did a great job costing just a couple of hrs labour. I am over the moon ,again massive thanks to all on here ,especially the video

VW California Club
