VIP Member
I expect you can add it at anytime, I'll ask this week, meanwhile I'm googling and see this:P
Thanks would like to know if I should have taken this option. I’m going to have to replace the whole window, not a cheap but the insurance will pay for it.
Would like to add the Deadlock on the van but I imagine it isn’t possible. I’ll mostly now be very careful where I park my van. And as usual not leave anything of value in it. Mostly no bags in views. We had one bag with clothes in on tje floor in the back and that must be what made them want to come in. They only stole a bag of clothes, 2 little bags (with our toothbrush,…) and a little waletwith some swiss left over change.
It was a good warning in a way! Never happened to me since 25 years of owning a vehicle…
Seems promising