Bad Smell / Odour in Cabin



I've noticed recently that a bad smell develops in the cabin when I've driven a few miles and the engine warms up. Can only be described as a gassy / egg-like odour, I've checked the gas system and all seems OK. Anybody experienced anything similar or have any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like your air con needs refreshing :thumb
Calikev said:
Sounds like your air con needs refreshing :thumb
Could be worth investigating CK, however I only use the a/c for a few minutes to clear the screen as necessary and then knock it off(?)
A quick search on google points to diesel fuel not burning properly I would get a garage to check it out for you :thumb
Rinse the sink out with some Milton first if you haven't already!
I had a similar thing some time back and it was the sink. Not to say it is your case but might be worth checking... The Cali sinks don't have a traditional bottle trap so smells just come straight back up unless you empty, rinse and Milton the tank...
From what the symptoms are, definitively the Air Condition needs to have the fungus killer applied. The smell is often described as horse urine like.... Remember to apply it in both front and rear ducts.
Thanks for all the feedback guys, will get to work at the weekend :thumb
Californiaman said:
Rinse the sink out with some Milton first if you haven't already!
+1 for the sink. Rinse through with some Milton's, take care to ensure that only clean water goes down the sink in future.
Bjohnson said:
Californiaman said:
Rinse the sink out with some Milton first if you haven't already!
+1 for the sink. Rinse through with some Milton's, take care to ensure that only clean water goes down the sink in future.

Doh! Didn't read all the thread to see you had resolved the issue :oops:
Bjohnson said:
Bjohnson said:
Californiaman said:
Rinse the sink out with some Milton first if you haven't already!
+1 for the sink. Rinse through with some Milton's, take care to ensure that only clean water goes down the sink in future.

Doh! Didn't read all the thread to see you had resolved the issue :oops:

No worries, :thanks for taking the time out to try and and help anyway!
Morning, this weekend my 2005 Cali has been smelling really bad (egg, vinegar type smell) I've read the above post, hoping that it is the sink. I've wash throught the sink loads of times, I've even put some tape over the plug hole and also over the drain pipe so no air goes up it, but the smell is still there??

What else could it be? If it was the Catalytic Converter would a warning light come on? What about the air con?

Many thanks!
Air con should be used on a regular basis otherwise the Air Con bug will take root. If that is the case get a cleaning agent , either aerosol to squirt in the air intake, and don't forget the re-circulation intake inside the vehicle, or an Air Con cleaner aerosol that you use by starting engine, put Air Con on re-circulation and trigger canister in car with windows and doors closed. ... eaner#tab3
I get a disgusting stink every time I use the windscreen washers. I use the standard all seson windscreen wash that you find in garages. I tried filling with plain water to flush out anything that might be causing the smell but its still the same. Anyone else getting this?

robo said:
I get a disgusting stink every time I use the windscreen washers. I use the standard all seson windscreen wash that you find in garages. I tried filling with plain water to flush out anything that might be causing the smell but its still the same. Anyone else getting this?

Try using quality screen wash. I use vw stuff & never had any bad smells.
calicasas said:
The Cali sinks don't have a traditional bottle trap so smells just come straight back up ...
That is not completely true. Newer models DO have a siphon construction with a water lock. See e.g. this thread. BUT...: the amount of water in the lock is quite small, so it evaporates easily when you don't use the sink for 1 or 2 days, and then it does't stop the smell. Simple measure: either use it often or think to pour some water in, or/and use the plug to stop smells coming from your waste water tank and slow down the evaporation of the water in the siphon. It helps :hello
We've had both smells! With the washer I emptied it and then used a Portapotti cleaner mixed with water. Flushed that through, then I think flushed through again with fresh water. Afterwards put a decent screen clean in. I reckon you'll need to flush through - I don't think the smell will go with just adding cleaner into the contaminated water. Flushing through consisted literally of pulling on the washer lever and stopping every so often just out of kindness.

We've only had the waste smell once. Emptied the tank and flushed through with Aquasol. After that we vowed not to put anything but cleanish wart down the sink. Any mucky cooking water is either chucked outside or put in a bucket and transported to the sink block.
Ive cleaned the sink and waste tank loads, so I can rule that out. The Cali smells when I start it up, could it be the Catalytic Converter? Its done about 95,000 miles...
mefox77 said:
Ive cleaned the sink and waste tank loads, so I can rule that out. The Cali smells when I start it up, could it be the Catalytic Converter? Its done about 95,000 miles...
There is no cat on the cali. It has a diesil particulate filter & this can stink when it is regenerating, but will not do this till up to temperature.
I had this problem until I saw Max, my Dog, eating a left over curry :eek:

He now travels sat in the sink.
I managed to drain the screen washer bottle and replaced with a mild Milton Sterilising fluid. I can now report the foul smell has gone.

By the way if anyone wants to completely flush out the washer reservoir this can easily be done by removing 4 Torx head srews securing the front passenger side wheel arch cover. Just the bit at the very front. two screw underneath and two easily visible in front of the wheel. The wheel arch cover is very supple can easily be peeled back to reveal the reservoir and pump. The pump is just a push fit into the reservoir.
Pull off the pump and pour clean water in the filler funnel. It will flow straight out onto the ground. It might save burning out your washer pump trying to empty it.
The pump easily plugs back into the reservoir.

VW California Club
