I have just fitted a second leisure battery to my 2022 Beach. Both are 75AH AGM batteries and are connected in parallel. The display shows 12.7v and both batteries also individually show 12.7v when checked with multimeter. My query is that the display has variously shown 4 minutes, 14 hours, and currently 42 hours at 1 amp. I don't understand this because 42 hours was indicated before when I only had one leisure battery. my simple brain says that two 75AH batteries connected in parallel should provide 150 AHs of power, i.e. 150 amps for one hour or 1 amp for 150 hrs? Allowing for the fact that the batteries should not be totally discharged, how much power have I actually got available?
Sorry if this sounds daft, but my knowledge of basic electrical theory was acquired a very long time ago!
Sorry if this sounds daft, but my knowledge of basic electrical theory was acquired a very long time ago!