Bellows zip problem



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T5 SE 140
We have a T5 Cali which is just over 4 years old and we have problems with the zip to the front window.

We had roof corrosion dealt with by A B Crush in 2014 and a new bellows provided.

While in our 6 week trip to France I noticed that I was unable to completely zip up the front window at the top. It was not a problem just a very short gap, about a inch, which mostly hidden behind the vertical strip on the inside of the window.
The zip has two rows of teeth which the fastener pulls together. It looks as if the top row of teeth has twisted at the top point for a short distance so that instead of pointing down it is turned up against the cloth of the bellows, preventing the fastener from sliding over it. Almost as if the plastic has been heated. (It was hot in France, but that hot?)

Since coming home the 'twist' seems to have worsened although we haven't used the Cali.

Has anyone got any advice for this or experienced such a thing and if so how did they cure it?
Sounds Like a fault in the zip must be covered seek VW advise
Sounds Like a fault in the zip must be covered seek VW advise
The original warranty was for 3 years and so has run out but maybe it would be covered by the warranty on the roof repair?

Thanks Meoncoast, I will give SMG ring.
If they VW have supplied a faulty part which not fit for purpose can only try
If they VW have supplied a faulty part which not fit for purpose can only try
I have spoken to SMG who confirm that, as the bellows was supplied as part of the roof corrosion repair it is not under warranty. Apparently the 3 year cover on the repaired roofs applies only to the corrosion work and not to the bellows! They advised speaking to VW which I have done and sent photographs and it has been pushed upstairs and i am waiting now for someone to ring me:boring
Apparently the 3 year cover on the repaired roofs applies only to the corrosion work and not to the bellows!

so cover part of their repairwork but not all of it. VW invented the repair process and took out your old tent / bellows
so cover part of their repairwork but not all of it. VW invented the repair process and took out your old tent / bellows
Exactly, does not seem cricket does it?

They have not rung back yet!
I love Volkswagen and particularly Charlotte.
She has juist telephoned to say that she has spoken to Jason at SMG and that they will replace the bellows and cover the cost for me.
Between my last post on this on 6 September and now there has been an exchange of emails and photos and telephone calls.
My argument was that if the bellows in a new van is warrantied for 3 years then surely a replacement bellows fitted as part of the roof repair should have the same warranty. They seem to agree with the logic and I am a happy person!
Will report after it is fitted.
how nice to read a thread where VW have resolved the situation promptly...mostly I seem to see people with really bad experiences but maybe the satisfied folks don't post?
how nice to read a thread where VW have resolved the situation promptly...mostly I seem to see people with really bad experiences but maybe the satisfied folks don't post?

Maybe we need to think of the thread "view from my van" as the glass half full ? Peoples ability to get out and about is the thing that I will be striving.
I have spoken to Jason and the van goes in to SMG on the 11th.
What is more Charlotte has been on again checking that i have got booked in. She is holding my hand every step of the way.
Returned at about 4pm from SMG yesterday with a new bellows. It looks very nice and is the same material, I think, as that in the T6. The material allows much more light through so it won't be as dark when the windows are closed due to rain etc.
This was done under warranty after I approached the executive office of Customer Support and I am very pleased:bananadance
Returned at about 4pm from SMG yesterday with a new bellows. It looks very nice and is the same material, I think, as that in the T6. The material allows much more light through so it won't be as dark when the windows are closed due to rain etc.
This was done under warranty after I approached the executive office of Customer Support and I am very pleased:bananadance

Good result David. As a suggestion I have bought a small container (with a 3cm pointed nozzle) of Graphite Dust..I think it was either amazon or eBay ..which works brilliantly on freeing up any stuck or awkward zips. I appreciate your problem was slightly different but this stuff seems to take the strain out of closing awkward travel zips. If you get some be careful not to overdo it when squeezing the bottle as the dust overspray can stain sometimes.
Good result David. As a suggestion I have bought a small container (with a 3cm pointed nozzle) of Graphite Dust..I think it was either amazon or eBay ..which works brilliantly on freeing up any stuck or awkward zips. I appreciate your problem was slightly different but this stuff seems to take the strain out of closing awkward travel zips. If you get some be careful not to overdo it when squeezing the bottle as the dust overspray can stain sometimes.
Thank you Wrinkly, good idea I will follow that up. I noticed today that the new zips are very stiff although that should improve.
Great result David :)
I think that the T6 bellows are better than the T5 ones I had previously. They seem to fold in easier.
My zips are also very stiff so will look at the graphite dust.
Great result David :)
I think that the T6 bellows are better than the T5 ones I had previously. They seem to fold in easier.
My zips are also very stiff so will look at the graphite dust.
Just a quick follow up, rather late in the day.
Having found the new zips stiff and awkward, even accepting that they are new, I spoke to Charlotte and Jason. IT has been agreed that if the problem continues, and i won't know that until next summer, then I can come back and they will sort it out for me. Charlotte has put this on the record that they hold. Hopefully, of course, this won't be necessary but full marks to all concerned.
Before hand I tried the graphite dust, bit difficult to use, there is black dust everywhere, and also the candle trick, it helped a bit but not much.

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