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Best wheel chock and chocking technique in a RH drive California

the van might be level once on the ramp, but the wheels are actually on an incline (the ramp). Infact it usually require giving a bit of gas to go up the ramp and brakes applied as it otherwise immediately tend to slide back off the ramp, despite the van being level.

also doesn't "chocking" refers to "blocking" a wheel from moving in one direction ? although fiamma provide ramps with chokes , but usually those are for caravans:
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They look like a possible solution with the gearbox in P once it’s settled on the chocks as a backup. Removal would probably require climbing up the ramp slightly though which if you’re on the “top step” could be exciting!
I wouldn't have thought anyone is parking for camping purposes on anything other than a nearly level surface - even if you are using ramps, they are being used to get the van as level as possible.

If you speak to our American cousins it's the other way round, the handbrake is there as an emergency backup in case the pin should fail.

At the end of the day it's a mechanical lock, being used for the purpose its designed for - locking the transmission, for a minute or so whilst a seat is swivelled.
I'm 'American'. And have had automatics in cars for years. To park I put the vehicle in P with foot on brake pedal then apply the handbrake. To go I put foot on brake pedal release handbrake then put it in D or R.
I’ve driven automatics since an accident in the early ‘80s. Although my recent cars (with the exception of the cali) have had automatic hand brakes, I’ve never physically put a hand brake on in all that time to park, just to set off on an incline before cars had auto hold for such occasions.

The P on any of my automatics has been enough for parking.

Now.. the ‘Cali’ is a DSG as opposed to a torque converter gearbox so how it locks is slightly different to older vehicles but the principle is the same. My Tiguan has an automatic hand brake, that being the main difference between my vehicles.

A slight incline for camping isn’t a problem for sleeping, so long as your head isn’t lower than your feet, otherwise a headache may come on. But I have chocks so that cooking and drinks on tables are level.
We've owned our T6.1 Ocean for over a year, but have been lucky to stop on sites with relatively flat pitches. We were fortunate that on the only site we did visit that did have a slope (on Jersey) the site owner lent us a some chocks. However that experience reminded me that as you have to let the handbrake off to rotate the drivers seat, things can become rather uncoordinated if you are inexperienced!!

I would like to buy some wheel chocks to give us more flexibility in choosing sites in future, but I also need some guidance on what chocks to buy to avoid the handbrake release /slide back down the chock issue. Either that or guidance on how best to manage the handbrake release/swing driver seat process. NB. It occured to me anyone driving a LH drive California, will most likely avoid this dilemma as the kitchen is behind the driver's seat, so swinging the passenger seat is always preferable in a two person journey. That said advice on this issue from all owners whether RH or LH drive will be appreciated .
take a look at this alternative :
easy drive on/off/over .
stow away flat or coiled or folded .
only negative: heavy weight compared to traditional ramps.
Personal view.
I get concerned about the pin bearing the weight when in park on ramps. Particularly getting it out of park and the proverbial ‘thunk’ when doing so.
After going up ramps (I’ve the stepped ramps) I’ll put it park, hand brake on, chock a wheel (usually a non chock side to prevent roll as they don’t always fit on stepped chocks), jump back in, put her in neutral, handbrake off, roll onto chock using foot brake, back in Park. Reverse order to get off the ramp.
I’d rather a small faff than risk a gearbox repair.
We tend to do the same. Right or wrong, when using ramps, I’d rather have a physical chock under the wheels, than rely on the gearbox. We like a level van for all sort of reasons, and find we use ramps around half of the time. We chock the wheels not on the ramps.

Occasionally we turn the drivers seat, and if the ground isn’t sloping that much (for us that equates to less than 1deg !) then we will just use the gearbox to hold the van steady whilst releasing the handbrake.
Ahh but you did have to find flatter ground for your cooker or wedge something under a leg to stop the pans sliding off.
Never seemed to be a problem. I've got ramps and used once in 10yrs and that was in an au natural campsite in a pine forest next to a beach in Itally, and I only needed 1 ramp .
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Never seemed to be a problem. I've got ramps and used once in 10yrs and that was in an au natural campsite in a pine forest next to a beach in Itally, and I only needed 1 ramp .
I use my ones most trips we cook and wash up in the van and like the pans to stay on the cooker and water to go down the plug hole. But we do usually stay on grass pitches near the sea so often fairly uneven.
If there was one thing I could change about the California it would be having to take of the handbrake to rotate the seat. I use small wheel chocks under the wheels, which don't have ramps under the . This stops the roll back, but after getting it perfect you always get some roll back to undo the good work leveling
It is a slightly ridiculous design flaw, not unique to the Cali either, I know of Transporter conversions with captains chairs with the same obstacle.

I wouldn't be without ramps personally, because we don't turn the driver's seat it isn't really much hassle for us and a small price to have a level area in the van.
When I was new to camping with the van, I had a similar moment where I forgot to set the handbrake fully and the van started to slide a little when I tried to rotate the seat. That was a wake-up call!
When I was new to camping with the van, I had a similar moment where I forgot to set the handbrake fully and the van started to slide a little when I tried to rotate the seat. That was a wake-up call!
I found that adding some chocks under the wheels helped stabilize things a lot—especially when you're on a slope. I grabbed a set from AstroLift, and they’ve been a game-changer. They're sturdy and easy to use, and I haven't had any sliding issues since. As for the seat rotation, I usually pop the seat back into the original position before setting the handbrake, just to make sure everything’s locked down.
Often use our ramps and chocks as prefer level van. Only ever spin the passenger seat so never had an issue but been amazed by the info on ‘P and pin, sequencing of P/ foot brake / hand brake’ … wow !
Each to there own and no right or wrong answers here but I would say that the flat spots are often the first to go and can be wet in the winter - ramps definitely take up a lot of room but they can give the option of the best spot or the ability to point the van in the best direction according to the prevailing weather or views and although I can sleep on the wonk cooking can be a challenge!

Good luck finding a good spot here without ramps but mind the first step, it's a big one!


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