Bike rack question



New but committed
T5 SE 180
I'm a bit concerned about the 60kg limit for the VW bike rack. There's 4 of us (2 adults / 2 teenagers) so our bikes are essentially all adult. Pretty sure 3 bikes will be the max on the rack. I'm going to have to put the other bike onthe roof with the roof box on the other side. Can't think of another solution!! Does anyone have tips / am I worrying unnessarily??

Most normal modern bikes are around 15kg (10kg if you go mad an get Carbon), so 4 should be OK, especially as there will be a safety margin.

I guess it might be a concern if you have e-bikes, but normal bikes should be OK, if you have really heavy steel bikes then they might be up to 20kg then this is the opportunity to buy some new ones :)
You might get close with 4 full suspension mountain bikes but otherwise should be ok weight wise with decent bikes. Some of the supermarket BSOs are stupidly heavy so another reason to avoid them.

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Had four mountain bikes on rack all adult Ali frames all ok .
Does anyone who's had 4 bikes on the rack have any suggestions on how to actually get them on there? I was trying to get 3 road bikes on there yesterday and even thought I had them pointing in alternating directions I still had problems with handlebars getting in the way of each other. I gave up and put one inside in the end.

Is there a special technique or is it just a case of perseverance (at which I failed)?
I twist the handlebars, and also remove pedal closest to the rear window as it always catches the rear wiper.
It can be a real nightmare to fit 4 bikes on. I had to fiddle about for ages until I got ours to fit - then I made a list of which bike fitted where (and which way they faced). It sounds ridiculous, but it will save hours of "fun". I didn't need to remove any pedals or handlebars thank goodness.

I've had four bikes on mine a few times ands it's always a bit of a jigsaw puzzle. The only thing I've done is drop or remove saddles to give clearance for handlebars, pretty easy on most bikes. Watch out for the bikes touching as you will wear away paint or even metal at points of contact
Had four mountain bikes on ok just alternated and dropped seat posts to different heights . Used foam pipe insulation to stop bikes rubbing together it is available in 15mm or 22mm from diy stores in 1 metre lengths. Once on take a photo to make it easier second time around.
I've had four bikes on the rack a number of times, including the new fatbike! Firs time was an absolute nightmare. Second time I took a photo of the stowed bikes with my smartphone - now it's easy peasy!
Thanks everyone, that's really helpful. I reckon saddle height adjustment and patience are the key ingredients here! I cycle with a bunch of different people so the frame shapes are irritatingly slightly different every time. It only takes 30 seconds to remove or adjust the saddles though and then it should be much easier.
Hi everyone. I have a slightly different question to ask here. I hope to put two bikes on the rack, mine is an adult bike (21" frame) but my 5-yr-old daughter's bike is obviously much smaller (it has a 13" frame). Looking at the bike rack I can't work out how to get the little girl's bike onto the frame - am I being daft here and the bike will fit on easily, or am I missing something? And if I can put the bike on the frame, which order would you recommend putting the two bikes onto the frame? Am having nightmare visions of the two bikes flying off the frame on the motorway...!

Thanks in advance everyone.
We had several hires with this scenario, the best way is to fit your bike to the bike rack using the normal arms and then use the spare arm (the loose one) that you will link from your bike to the kids bike.

We have fitted our boys bikes onto the rack when they were 6 yrs old, but unfortunately I can't remember exactly how we did it now. I think I fitted the small bikes on the inside, on the first two arms, then the 3rd arm will go over the top of the small bikes to allow you to fit an adult bike on. Don't worry about them flying off, as there are straps to hold down each wheel.
We've just purchased a bike rack too. For longer bike rides our kids still like to use tag alongs. Has anyone ever fitted one of these, or even two to the bike rack? So far we are taking them in the van but they take up a lot of room and I'm scared they'll scratch the interior.

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