Bodywork Damage by the sliding door



T6.1 Ocean 204 4 motion
Hello There icecreamvan man her
my sliding door keeps stuttering which cause the rear edge to be drawn in causing the door liner to rub on the wheel arch taking the paint off, the garage say it’s cause the hinge mechanism is rubbish!!
Any one else had this problem and what did you do about it
It is very common. If its still under warranty, keep taking it back to vw until they get the adjustment right (and have them paint the whole quarter each time).
It is very common. If its still under warranty, keep taking it back to vw until they get the adjustment right (and have them paint the whole quarter each time).
Thanks had the dealer sort it turns out a new runner is needed so waiting for it unfortunately out of warranty
Regards the icecream van man
Thanks had the dealer sort it turns out a new runner is needed so waiting for it unfortunately out of warranty
Regards the icecream van man
Hopefully that sorts it, but it took several attempts for me, the dealer having been confident in each one. There are several other threads on here... The biggest is "sliding door sometimes scraping against rear wheel arch"
If it's just the flat of the wheel arch damaged I'd suggest getting a smart repair. Having the whole quarter painted is IMHO asking for trouble in the long term, particularly if done multiple times and will cost you at least £500 if done at a VW approved body shop.
Hello There icecreamvan man her
my sliding door keeps stuttering which cause the rear edge to be drawn in causing the door liner to rub on the wheel arch taking the paint off, the garage say it’s cause the hinge mechanism is rubbish!!
Any one else had this problem and what did you do about it
First thing to do is get VW to adjust the sensitively of the door closing mechanism to stop it juddering. We had ours done after many other unsuccessful so called fixes.
First thing to do is get VW to adjust the sensitively of the door closing mechanism to stop it juddering. We had ours done after many other unsuccessful so called fixes.
Hi. Do you know how the sensitivity was altered? You're old SusiBus has started to have a juddering side door.
Common problem, more so with the electric sliding door. Insufficent tolerance and too much wobble.

Note that mine has been okay over the last 5 years, after having all the parts changed under warranty, but a slight catch on the arch over the winter. In the end I created a chamfer/notch on the internal trim to provide more tolerance.
Common problem, more so with the electric sliding door. Insufficent tolerance and too much wobble.

Note that mine has been okay over the last 5 years, after having all the parts changed under warranty, but a slight catch on the arch over the winter. In the end I created a chamfer/notch on the internal trim to provide more tolerance.
Hi @pjm-84
Any photos of the chamfer/notch ?
Had the running track replaced and a stiffer spring on the rear swinging arm fitted unfortunately not under warranty ☹️ So now paintwork touch up needed
Hi. Do you know how the sensitivity was altered? You're old SusiBus has started to have a juddering side door.
Hi Bobbybus.
The dealer needs to know the VW TPI, this tells them what to do. I've looked in my old paper work and postings but can't reference of it. I'll have another search later. In the meantime I think WelshGas might be able to help.
Just takes that edge off. Razor blade work. Didn't want to go too deep. Photo makes it look much worse!
Hi. Do you know how the sensitivity was altered? You're old SusiBus has started to have a juddering side door.
Hi Bobbybus.
The dealer needs to know the VW TPI, this tells them what to do. I've looked in my old paper work and postings but can't reference of it. I'll have another search later. In the meantime I think WelshGas might be able to help.

TPI No. 2040818/3

One of the members on the Cali board. de Forum has a copy of the TPI which he has offered to email.
See here Post 4.
Google Translate works if you don't read German.

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