Bosnia insurance



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T5 SE 180
Anyone know of an insurance company that covers Bosnia & Herzegovina? I'm with Comfort at the mo' and it doesn't do Bosnia even on a Green Card. There's a company called Caravanguard which seems to cover it - any other suggestions? We'd also like to go to Montenegro but that seems even more difficult to get cover for. I know Bosnia is off the beaten track but we're running out of new countries to visit!
I had the same issue........

Drop down through Romania, Bulgaria....into Turkey and then onto Greece and take a ferry across to Italy as I did.....fantastic ........
Yes, I agree, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey - where we went last year - are brilliant. The thing is, as I'm sure you know, the difficult to get to countries like Bosnia are always interesting. Hard work usually but rewarding.
What kind of insurance coverage are you looking for?
I live in Slovenia and we often travel to Bosnia and Montenegro without any problems. Green card is a must however.
Bosnia was one of the highlights of our trip, definitely worth a visit. I'm pretty sure we had insurance via Adrian Flux at the time. We visited Kosovo, Montenegro also. I think we considered Serbia, but Serbia was one country where you had to purchase green card insurance for €150 at the border so we gave it a miss. Will see if I can recall from our blog. I remember once having to drive 50 miles border to border uninsured but can't remember where, I think it may have been the year earlier at a time when Adrian Flux didn't cover Bosnia; we were heading to Croatia and needed to pass through Bosnia.
What kind of insurance coverage are you looking for?
I live in Slovenia and we often travel to Bosnia and Montenegro without any problems. Green card is a must however.
I was looking for the standard (Comprehensive) insurance that applies to all European countries and covers such things as theft. Failing that an insurance that will provide Green Card cover which Comfort doesn't do.
My understanding is that it's only for third party cover....not even theft included.
Fully comp for the countries outside EU will be costly but there are companies that do it e.g.
Clements Insurance.

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