box for rear cupboard?



VIP Member
Surrey, UK
Up till now we have had 3 identical sturdy cardboard boxes on the 3 shelves in the rear cupboard..above the gas has now bitten the dust and I cant find another the same shape/size! does anyone have boxes on those shelves that fit well..and if so where did you get them!?
Check out Ikea storage solutions .
Up till now we have had 3 identical sturdy cardboard boxes on the 3 shelves in the rear cupboard..above the gas has now bitten the dust and I cant find another the same shape/size! does anyone have boxes on those shelves that fit well..and if so where did you get them!?

Have you considered installing the original like shelves?
Still wondering on the best solution to get some more tidy space in that rear cupboard, but as you said, probably should go for the box kind in IKEA...
We use largish ice cream tubs. They are ready availible from ice cream kiosks free of charge, empty of ice cream, and washed out, and usually made of quite robust plastic. Of course you could always buy full tubs as an excuse to gorge yourself. We find you can get two on each shelf, which makes keeping things separate much easier.
We've got a tunnocks teacake box (36!) that we had from a cash and carry which fits. :oops:
thanks for the ideas guys…needs boxes arther than bags due to what we put in I think..its not clothes…

I'm sure there is something in IKEA but it might take me many wrong purchases before I get the right thing..I have taken so many boxes back and forth to homebase trying to ones to fit the kitchen cupboards! gets annoying!
I need to park the actual van in the shop so I can try them all!!
ice cream tubs sound like they could work..*off to befriend ice cream seller*
I have scoured the internet for 30 x 26 x 18 plastic boxes for the rear shelving in a Cali Ocean and can't really find anything.

Has anyone found a great solution to trays for the rear shelves they can share please?
IKEA Vareira are great.

Like these
but I’m not sure which sizes are best.
We have one that fills the whole bottom shelf quite tightly and a couple a size smaller that take up half a shelf that are very useful too.

VW California Club
