Brake fluid & aircon



VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 150
My cali will be 2 years old next month, 12k miles on the clock and on a service package.

Got a call from VW today from a pushy sales person telling me it "needs" an aircon service and brake fluid service, but these aren't in the service package and will cost £169.

Couldn't really get the sales person to confirm of its a recommendation or a need, the warranty was mentioned.
It's a recommendation, different manufacturers quote different Brake fluid intervals, Brake fluid is a hydraulic oil that degrades over time as it absorbs water, it gets darker with age. A proper mechanic with test the amount of water in the fluid using a hydroscope, and change the fluid when it reaches a specified level of moisture content. VW just change it at 2 years.
The Air-Con should be re-gassed periodically, usually when it doesn't get as cold as it used to, it used to be 3 yearly with VW. Re-gassing the AC is a good idea as when it is re-charged as the gas contains a small amount of oil that the compressor uses as a lubricant. If the gas (a refrigerant) degrades or leaks out then the compressor will die if run without gas pressure and the associated oil.
An brake fluid change and AC recharge for £169 is not a bad price.
My cali will be 2 years old next month, 12k miles on the clock and on a service package.

Got a call from VW today from a pushy sales person telling me it "needs" an aircon service and brake fluid service, but these aren't in the service package and will cost £169.

Couldn't really get the sales person to confirm of its a recommendation or a need, the warranty was mentioned.
It’s a recommended item and there is no link to warranty.

I’d say aircon somewhere between 3 and 4.

You can tell when it’s not working anymore. We actually found VW the cheapest.

Brake fluid similar especially if the pedal feels a little spongy. We did both ours on the Tiguan at 4 years.

As SLD says, it's a good price, TBH, I'd be tempted at 2 years to just get it done and dusted.
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Tested mine at 3yrs old and no water content....

thought maybe the tester wasn't I tested an previously open dot 4 container that has been on the shelf in my garage for quite a few the scale for water content
Tested mine at 3yrs old and no water content....

thought maybe the tester wasn't I tested an previously open dot 4 container that has been on the shelf in my garage for quite a few the scale for water content
Tested ours not long ago ,no water content, but change the brake fluid anyway dark fluid came out of all brake lines near the wheels. The pedal is much better now
Yep...that's what I'm thinking as well. I'll drain some off to check
My cali will be 2 years old next month, 12k miles on the clock and on a service package.

Got a call from VW today from a pushy sales person telling me it "needs" an aircon service and brake fluid service, but these aren't in the service package and will cost £169.

Couldn't really get the sales person to confirm of its a recommendation or a need, the warranty was mentioned.
We had a similar call but quoted £250 + VAT. This was a week after we’d taken it in for a service . I think it used to be due at 3 years but now it’s 2. We are taking ours to a local garage that’s VW approved. As long as they are VAT registered you are covered for any future warranty claims I believe.
An air-con service should be re-gassing and lubricating pressure system (some machines can insert dyes to trace leaks) and I expect the squirting anti-bacterial spray (smelly stuff) would be an additional charge, most of the £99 ish is to cover the machine, refrigerant and oil.

VW California Club
