Brake fluid....urgent



VIP Member
SW London
T5 SE 180
I am due on a ferry tomorrow and noticed the yellow brake fluid bottle is showing min or just below. Van not yet 2 yrs old and 16k on the clock.....can't get him in for a service before tomorrow....what can I do???
AA may be able to help. call the VW care number (D'ont have it to hand)
If you don't notice any leak , just fill it up to level and keep an eye on it.
I know it's not the thing you would like to have on the start of a trip.
But if there's no leak , not much you ( or a mecanic ) can do...
How does the breakpedal feels like... normal or to the light...?
It feels ok but spoke to SMG who said it should not have gone down in so short a time. Usually it is changed at 3 yrs. I have called VW roadside assist to check it over to be on the safe side. I really don't want any problems in the middle of the French countryside!

The service book says it should only be topped up with VW Commercial Dot 4 but my nearest VW van centre is quite a way distant,

Zebedee only came back on Friday and I am still re-loading him with all our bits and bobs.

I believe it does the clutch as well as the brakes am I right?

Maybe the level is low because your brake pads are worn? check your pads. If they need replacing dont forget to drive carefully until the new ones are bedded in.


Just took a look at mine...... It looks like the clutch is Cable operated.
Have you had any work done relating to the brakes? Stick your head under each corner. Can you see any evidence of leaks? No? Top it up (any DOT 4 will do) and keep an eye on it. Crack on and enjoy.

VW assist were fantastic and checked Zebedee all over. All ok. Topped up the oil as well. No leaks. Not too worn on the brakes. I am relieved.

Fab service and really knew their way round the Cali.

Now we can enjoy
Good news. I have found them excellent in the past.
PS if you are checking it make sure you use a torch and don't just look at the line on the bottle thingy then the fluid will be a bright yellow.....the line is actually the moulding of the bottle....duh!
PS if you are checking it make sure you use a torch and don't just look at the line on the bottle thingy then the fluid will be a bright yellow.....the line is actually the moulding of the bottle....duh!
That’s quite right.. The master cylinder bottle gives a false impression of being nearly empty when it is actually full.

VW California Club
