Brandrup iso installation



VIP Member
T6 Ocean 150
Just installing a bra drip iso. Today did the Velcro around the whole base of the canvas. However there is a bit of what’s looks like gaffa tape either side of the van. Hers a picture of what I mean. Do you put the tape over this as well. Left it for now just in case. Until I know just looks like it might take the silver tape off and not sure what it’s for .. thanks

Ha not installing a bra ! Spell check fun. Brandrup is what I meant to say
Same tape is on my T6.
Maybe it’s there to cover a sharp edge to protect the canvas rubbing when it’s down.
I left it on and worked round it when fitting my iso. I don’t think it will make much of a difference to iso top, it gets held down pretty good anyways.
Same tape is on my T6.
Maybe it’s there to cover a sharp edge to protect the canvas rubbing when it’s down.
I left it on and worked round it when fitting my iso. I don’t think it will make much of a difference to iso top, it gets held down pretty good anyways.

I removed it, and just stuck the isotop velcro in its place

VW California Club
