Cabin/Cockpit boundary floor strength?



T6.1 Ocean 150
We've just collected our new Ocean and have noticed that at the boundary between the floor carpet in the driver / passenger area and the hard floor of the living area, the floor carpet seems to be easily depressed by our feet (noticed as you manoeuvre between the two zones). We hired an Ocean (T6.1) last year and didn't notice this, but the hire vehicle did have a central floor mat accessory, whereas ours only has the two footwell mats. Should we be concerned? I can't imagine we will end up going through the floor, but this area of the floor doesn't give the impression it was built to sustain the foot fall it will inevitably experience over the vehicle's life time. I don't want to make a fuss with the dealership that sold it to us, but equally I don't want to let this slide, if this is a bit of an anomaly. Helpful comments appreciated.
If you do a search you will find over a dozen people asking and replying to this.

You will also see the common articles below asking the same thing.

It’s normal.
Hi Dspuk, thanks, I got some search suggestions when I entered the title, but after posting I saw a lot more below my entry. I was coming back to my post to tell the forum not to bother replying, but you beat me to it . Reading the other threads and conversations on the topic I feel much reassured.

VW California Club
