Gvick, I know some one who is going to bed late tonight and getting up early tomorrow!
Exciting 24hours ahead.
Take the time you need to check everything is as it should be before driving away from the dealer, don’t be rushed during the hand over and make sure you get a demo of everything and understand, rather than just being shown by the dealer.
Get a copy of any extended warranty, service plan etc, they have a habit of not making it onto VW computer system and cannot be found after the event!
The hand over check list is useful point of reference in the heat of the moment.
Tip: make sure one set of keys has the black serial number tag attached in case you need keys cut in future.
Ask what service interval the van has been set to and get them to check the setting is as you want it. I think Variable is standard factory setting in U.K.
Enjoy tomorrow, your face will be hurting by the end of the day !

Don’t forget the photo