Cali stalling

california kid

california kid

T6 Ocean 204
Hi All, we have owned are Cali since October 2014 , before Xmas was travelling on M 40, but on leaving motorway and going into service station the engine stalled no power steering no ignition lights, upon dipping clutch engine fired up everything ok , this happened on three occasions , returned Cali to dealership who plugged in for diagnostic check, no recorded faults, but vw had a software upgrade for our Cali .which was done straight away. Have been using the Cali for over two weeks no probs until yesterday, we were driving home when the car in front of us indicated to turn right , when I dropped down the the gear box the engine once again stalled, same probs no power steering no ignition lights, this time failed to start when dipping the clutch , so stopped the Cali then started on key. Drove home no further problems. Further more blue motion start stop not operating, I believe this is because of the difference in temperature . Cali back at dealership on Friday. Asking the question has anyone had the same problem or any idea of possible cause , as I feel it will not show the fault on the diagnostic check, I should point out our Cali is a 2014 with 8000 miles on clock.
The only common stalling issue/concern raised with us with T5's is when people try to pull away in 2nd gear and they stall.

The stop/start can stop working for a number of reasons and doesn't always indicate a fault or a problem with the system.

Hi Alex. Thankyou for your reply, my problem is not when I start off but when I am changing down the gear box . First time leaving motorway into service station. Of which this happened three times, and again this w/end while behind a vehicle turning right. Am I correct that the start stop system does not work while the temp is below 10/12 degrees, appreciate any help
Regards ALAN.
Hi Alan,

The start/stop has many things that contribute to it working/not working temporarily. Off the top of my head you have to have your seat belt on, outside air temperature has to be above a certain value, battery has to have enough charge in it etc...

What speed are you doing and what gear are you in when it stalls?

I had this the other day when slowing down from speed to almost a stop. It stalled but I assumed this was because I should have put the clutch down earlier. As soon as I did put the clutch down the car automatically started up again.
Hi Guys, On the last occasion when our Cali stalled I was dropping down the gear box from third to second, I think 15 to 20 mph ,as previous I tried dipping the clutch to restart the engine but on this occasion, I had to stop and restart from the key. With regards to the start stop system I have been informed of this by the tech guy at our dealership, he also informed there is energy regenerated from the alternater when braking , could be I am not driving our Cali enough through the the week, may need to go on a longer run out at w/ends to make sure all systems are fully charged . Once again thank you for your replys. :thanks
My Skoda Yeti which has the 140 tdi engine has also done this on a few occasions, usually when clutch goes in changing down for a roundabout. We don't have stop start so it isn't that. Not done it recently, have you done many miles?
Hi Larrylamb. Only owned Cali since October 2014 ex demo, had 6500 miles now has 8000 miles , it is a 2014 model 180 , booked in with dealership on Friday , this has now happened 4 times in total . Three on a trip up north on leaving motorway into services. Cali went back to dealership nothing showing on diagnostic check, Dealership put a software upgrade on our Cali , ran for two weeks no probs until last Sunday when happened again. Just a bit annoying because the fault may never show on a diagnostic check, also if I leave our Cali with the dealership it may not happen for a few weeks then I have the worry of who is driving our Cali, how they are driving it , and how many miles will they put on it. Just hope this time it will show on there check or if I take there tech guy on a run out the problem may reappear ,
Fingers crossed, thanks for your reply .
Hi Guys. Just an update on our Cali stalling , went to dealership today tech guy very helpful , put our Cali on diagnostic check , came back with problem with battery, further tests done
To check for voltage drop. Result new battery fitted drove home, on return trip stop start worked perfectly. Technician suggested this could also be reason for our stalling probs. fingers crossed problem sorted. :D
Good news then :thumb let's hope its sorted

VW California Club
