california kid
Hi All, we have owned are Cali since October 2014 , before Xmas was travelling on M 40, but on leaving motorway and going into service station the engine stalled no power steering no ignition lights, upon dipping clutch engine fired up everything ok , this happened on three occasions , returned Cali to dealership who plugged in for diagnostic check, no recorded faults, but vw had a software upgrade for our Cali .which was done straight away. Have been using the Cali for over two weeks no probs until yesterday, we were driving home when the car in front of us indicated to turn right , when I dropped down the the gear box the engine once again stalled, same probs no power steering no ignition lights, this time failed to start when dipping the clutch , so stopped the Cali then started on key. Drove home no further problems. Further more blue motion start stop not operating, I believe this is because of the difference in temperature . Cali back at dealership on Friday. Asking the question has anyone had the same problem or any idea of possible cause , as I feel it will not show the fault on the diagnostic check, I should point out our Cali is a 2014 with 8000 miles on clock.