Cali widows



VIP Member
West Sussex
Orginal post caliangel

Is anyone Else out there getting fed up with seeing their hubby on this bloody Cali forum? I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I thought that if you can't beat them perhaps you should join them, although god only knows where they get the time to spend on this when there is a world of stuff to do out there. I'm now going to have a right old moan whether anyone is listening or not! Firstly I was promised that as soon as he got his wonderful Cali that he would be able to focus on the much needed diy projects at home ...... wrong...........He has done nothing on the house and everything on the van. He stands there admiring it while I bang on the window to remind him he has work to do. Every time I walk into a room he is on the Cali forum or is boring me stupid with Cali info that simply does not interest me. In addition to all that he is harking on about camping in December in it! Has he not worked out after 15 years that I prefer 5* hotels in the winter! Is anyone else suffering like me?????????????????????????
Original post Calikev

That's strange I read this and thought you were talking about me
Maybe you female Cali widows should have your own meet in dec
In a nice warm hotel and leave us lads to it.
Original post BerndRos

Travelodge have some amazing winter offers on at the moment.....
Orginal post Caliangel

As much as I love our cali a stay in a beautiful Scottish castle with lush rooms and great food would be wonderful. Oh and add a spa to that! As for the hubby this morning, iv got him doing the school run ..... ha ha. His punishment for being on this forum all evening. I erg all you other cali widows to keep their cali men in order
Original post Calitess

Sorry I thought this topic was about Cali windows


Recommend surfing behind privacy glass to your husband.

PS what's wrong with a Cali + minus 10C


At least it's not

Original post Calikev

Glad your back calitess i have missed
You humour and your great pic's
Origial post Caliangel

Have had the day off today. Have been trying out my new steam cleaner. Told hubby if I cought him on the forum too much I would use it on him. Cleaned the whole bathroom with it except for the scales. They don't deserve a clean today after my morning weigh in. Instead I have left some scabby foot prints on them to remind me not to eat chocolate while hubby is looking at calis for sale on ebay tonight and saying 'didn't we do well with ours this one on ebay has done twice the miles'. On a 13 hour shift at the hospital tomorrow so will need to remind moody tween ager (she's 10) to keep hubby off forum as he needs to pay her attention and remember to walk the two scabby dogs.
Original post Lorraine

my other half is the same, on the forum all the time,the latest addition to his cali obsession is cushions for the back!!,they have to be exactly the correct ones and colour coordinated ,bearing in mind that if i mention new cushions for the bedroom his eyes glaze over.
Original post Wingate

Have you tried Silicon Spray. My wife has not found this site yet!
Original post Caliangel

Guess who is on the forum without her hubby knowing ..... me

Have no idea what the last post is referring to re 'silicon spray' but I'm sure it will become clear to us Cali widows after a few gins!

Moving on ...............

My hubby has been on the forum for most of the day again ' important stuff' he says is going on, 'the forum is growing rapidly'. The only thing that is growing rapidly I say is the DIY jobs that you have to do before Christmas He made the mistake of showing me a members post that linked to a site in Germany that makes what I can only describe as a sort of 'Cali caravan'. Wow I was smitten with it in a matter of moments. I have since emailed the site to see if I can get the details and price in English as it is all written in German. My hubby has since hidden the cheque book.
Original post Ron

Hello caliangel,
Just talking to Allison about the Horsham meeting yesterday and the 'Cali Widows Club'. I think Allison is suddenly very interested ...
Caliangel I haven't forgot to post those pictures of my old bay that we talked about sat.
Just got to fish them out.hope you weren't to bored on sat with all the Cali train :D :lol:

VW California Club
