Ocean 6.1 7dsg
VIP Member
( 6.1 Ocean - left side drive/EU - 9 months old)
Hi All
After returning from a 7000km trip in europe arriving and starting to unload the car a weird sound under the cupboard started to appear ( I later learned it was the water pump)
The roof display showed a warning icon on the water tank and grey water tank. The fridge icon has a warning sign too. In the fridge setting part of the interface is greyed out.Water does not work. Fridge does not work. Everything else seems fine. Battery almost full. All I did was driving...
Next day after driving 20 km the water and greaywater sensors seems to work properly again. The water pump continues to make noises all the time non-stop wasting battery.
Doing the fuse 5-8 plug/unplug trick seems to have fixed the water pump issue. But the fridge still does not turn on and the warning icon/greyed out interface persists.
With so many things suddenly failing at once (and all in the kitchen side) it seems to me that is must be something electrical. But not sure. Will bring the car to a local VW dealer here in Portugal for them to check it out. But if anybody has tried/lived through something similar I am all ears
UPDATE - the water pump is still running constantly. Apparently the only way to temporary stop it is to disconnect the cable to the water tank sensor...what a mess. Will report back what the dealer finds. (all fuses seems to be ok)

Hi All
After returning from a 7000km trip in europe arriving and starting to unload the car a weird sound under the cupboard started to appear ( I later learned it was the water pump)
The roof display showed a warning icon on the water tank and grey water tank. The fridge icon has a warning sign too. In the fridge setting part of the interface is greyed out.Water does not work. Fridge does not work. Everything else seems fine. Battery almost full. All I did was driving...
Next day after driving 20 km the water and greaywater sensors seems to work properly again. The water pump continues to make noises all the time non-stop wasting battery.
Doing the fuse 5-8 plug/unplug trick seems to have fixed the water pump issue. But the fridge still does not turn on and the warning icon/greyed out interface persists.
With so many things suddenly failing at once (and all in the kitchen side) it seems to me that is must be something electrical. But not sure. Will bring the car to a local VW dealer here in Portugal for them to check it out. But if anybody has tried/lived through something similar I am all ears
UPDATE - the water pump is still running constantly. Apparently the only way to temporary stop it is to disconnect the cable to the water tank sensor...what a mess. Will report back what the dealer finds. (all fuses seems to be ok)

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