Calling all GC owners to help complete a simple survey please

Mr T

Mr T

Super Poster
Lifetime VIP Member
West Oxfordshire
Grand California 600
Hi all GC owners, we are trying to see if we can establish any patterns in some of the common and as yet unresolved 'headaches' with the van such as the control panel randomly freezing and heating cutting out. If you are willing to help could you fill in the survey in the link below? Its a google form and completely anonymous, I'll post the results on the group if we end up with a statistically significant response. Thanks in advance for your help.
Thanks go to @GordonH for creating the survey.
We have already had a good number of responses via the GCUK Facebook group but wanted to reach a few more owners here if at all possible. Hope this is Ok and thanks again for your help.

I have answered the survey but some need qualifying. My temp setting for heating was. 10c to keep from freezing and hot water not switched on.
Hi all GC owners, we are trying to see if we can establish any patterns in some of the common and as yet unresolved 'headaches' with the van such as the control panel randomly freezing and heating cutting out. If you are willing to help could you fill in the survey in the link below? Its a google form and completely anonymous, I'll post the results on the group if we end up with a statistically significant response. Thanks in advance for your help.
Thanks go to @GordonH for creating the survey.
We have already had a good number of responses via the GCUK Facebook group but wanted to reach a few more owners here if at all possible. Hope this is Ok and thanks again for your help.

Done Chris.

Are you intending to present the results to VW?

I'd be interested in discussing the lack of dealer support with VW senior management if you can get them to agree to some sort of "customer interaction" event.

To be honest I feel that if anything goes wrong with our van I have to fix it myself - including recoding the control panel. Which is a crazy position to be in...

Surely VW must feel slightly guilty about this situation?


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Are you intending to present the results to VW?

I'd be interested in discussing the lack of dealer support with VW senior management if you can get them to agree to some sort of "customer interaction" event.

To be honest I feel that if anything goes wrong with our van I have to fix it myself - including recoding the control panel. Which is a crazy position to be in...

Surely VW must feel slightly guilty about this situation?


Sent from my SM-G986B using Tapatalk
Thank you and yes if we can get a good set of data covering some common issues the plan is to raise this with VW.
Only just seen the survey request but the Google form now seems to be closed. Sorry I missed it.
Yes we closed it yesterday, sorry we didn’t get your input this time.
Thanks to @GordonH for the following summary:

Grand California Survey – now closed for new responses.

The information below is not guaranteed free from error !!!!

We had 63 respondents before we closed the survey.

57% where GC680s, 43% GC600s.

Options fitted in descending order of uptake are Solar 82%, Ambient Lighting 73%, WiFi 36%, Satellite 16%, AC 14%

Off all respondents 56% have seen the control panel freeze issue and 52% have seen the heating switching off issue and a significant 75% have experienced at least ONE of those issues.

I’ve done a limited analysis to see if there are any interesting patterns and the one that did jump out is of the 25% of respondents that reported ‘NO ISSUES’ with either the control panel freezing or the heating turning off, 69% of them were GC600 owners.

The data shows 41% of all GC600 owners reported no problems with either the control panel or heating against only 14% of GC680 who were similarly issue free.

That statistic is suggesting a GC680 owner is 3x more likely so see one or both issues than a GC600 owner!

Perhaps the longer van with a longer wiring harness is a factor, but that’s something only VW will be able to determine.

I couldn’t find any statistically meaningful patterns beyond this and none that jump out as a ‘killer fix’ or ‘eureka moment’ but others may so I would encourage the statisticians amongst you to see if you can find any other significant pointers in the dataset.

We are of course missing lots of important data points, such as age of van, status of VW updates, specific build configuration information etc which may mean this is a skewed data set but only VW themselves can realistically collate that type of data.

Once we have had any other comments fed back we will see if we can get all this information in front of the right folks at VW so they can add or discount it in a considered fashion to their own knowledgebase

To be clear on what is activity is aiming to achieve – We are looking to identify any patterns that can be used to help resolve these issues to everyone’s benefit. It is important that it is not used as a stick to beat VW with as it is only fair to assume they are working hard to solve all the issues they have knowledge about. Hopefully this data set, which comes at it from a users direction, will add to their understanding.

Link to raw data

Is not possible making 100% reliable automobile. even is rolls royce have failure item and pedalling bicycle haves failure item.

when is buys automobile is must believe something item will be failure sometime.

Important is how is manufacture company helping fix and can again enjoy owner they holiday machine.

VW California Club
