Campsites reopening experiences?

In Cambridge now, at the CACC site, as our usual nice CAMC site was fully booked. It’s nice here too. A big site and lots of people, but far from full. One way system in the loo / shower block. Max 8 people at a time, but so far I’ve not seen more than 3 and no queues. Alternate WCs taped off to help social distancing. Often partly closed for cleaning. Stay In your vehicle on arrival - they come to you and keep their distance. It feels safe here. Just a little sad to see none of the usual European visitors.
3 nights in the Peak District on a well managed site. They have implemented 'sensible' rules - rules designed to allow respect for those who wish to religiously follow social distancing whilst allowing 'normal' life to go on. It was great, almost like last year. Never saw a soul with a nuclear biological suit and O2 supply who think that exposing themselves to fresh air will strike them dead with 5 minutes.
Currently staying at Verwood CCC club site in the New Forest. The wardens have taken some of the toilets, showers and washing up sinks out of service to give people space. Busy but people seem to be playing by the rules so no complaints from me.

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I was at a site in Cumbria overnight Weds / Thurs. Travelling from NE Scotland.
The further south I travelled the less face masks I saw being worn and the closer together folk were.
On the campsite, all camping spaces were used, toilet blocks open, etc.
I was pleased to get home, and knowing the infections rates are so low up here, have asked friends to keep their distance from me for a while!
All good at Filey Country Park campsite, every other pitch was closed, facilities open with sanitisers and wipes in cubicles and at all doorways. It was really good and well managed.

Currently at Filey Brigg. Been here since Thursday night.

Think the ‘Covid secure’ novelty has worn off. I’ve had to complain twice about dirty facilities. And I’ve not seen any wipes in any facilities at all (even though there are signs)

I’m glad I’m in my little caravan and not a Cali, otherwise I’d be a bit hacked off.
Just got back from a long weekend in Suffolk and stayed at White House Beach CAMC. Mostly positive experience with a nice calm and well organised feel on site and very friendly staff. Not convinced by the toilet/shower facilities arrangements though. Site was full so all 122 pitches in use and with only 2 male toilet cubicles in action due to numerous cubicles being closed off. Led to the unusual sight of men queuing for the toilets whilst women walk straight in (i suppose it’s long overdue!). Quite a few instances of toilets being unclean as a result and I’m really not sure about their implementation of the wristband system. Instead of having your own wristband and hanging it outside on a peg when using the facilities, there were 3 wristbands kept in a pot of Milton to take and return. Inevitably with queuing though it led to people handing wristbands directly to the next person or dunking them in the Milton for 2secs before the next person took them. I was a bit concerned that this created additional points of contact that should be avoidable.

Also worth noting that the shower curtains and stools have been removed which makes sense but definitely need to keep clothes/belongings to a minimum as only two pegs and a lot of water flying around.
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Good morning,

We came back from a few day trip in England.

The ferry from Dublin to Liverpool was very quite, mostly trailers loaded a few vans (I only saw 3x on the way over and 2x on the way back) and a few cars (5x or 6x). In the ferry it seems to me that they tried their best to keep things clean and organized to ensure to stick to the health process. Have I said that it was easy because there were only a few people aorund.

We stayed in England for 6x nights and only in on campesite for 2x nights.

The first campsite in general was terrible, wihch includes Corona Viurs processes. This camptsite should never had been opened. The second campsite was faboulus, couldn't be better! Respect to the people in charge. The third camptsite was ok and the fourth campsite had super washrooms, better than in a hotel. The last campsite should not have been open. No evidence of any Corona Virus processes. Not even warn signs to keep distance, no nothing - as if the Corona Virus didn't exist.

My overall impression:

It seemed to me that in all campsites they were booked fully. I didn't expect that and even it is understandable maybe shouldn't have been done.
It seemed to me that motorhome and caravan users used mainly the campsites bathroom facilties instead of their own.
Many campsites had a 2x hour complete full deep clean of the bathroom facilities, but nothing in between.
In general people on the campsites keep their distance (even at reception and bathroom faciltiies)
In public places (shops) only a few people were wearing face masks.
It seems that still many shops are closed in smaller towns.
To me ferry companies take the virus seriously and implemented and follow good Corona Virus processes.

Now at home we are staying at home for 2x weeks. We might go for a tour either to North Ireland or Donegal later in the year.

Happy California.
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In those kinds of establishments it's not their faces you have to worry about..:eek:

(Sorry, Eber, just couldn't resist that! :bananadance2 }

Good afternoon,

Serves me right! I should check what I write. Have I said that, I must admit I was reading it twice before the penny dropped - now it is official I am old.

Happy California.
Currently at Delamere Forest C&CC site. They’ve implemented sensible and practical precautions and everything is working well and seems safe.

Site full but pitches are well spaced as normal for a club site. People are staggering their showers etc and caravanners seem to be sticking with their own facilities.

Last week we had a couple of nights at Kettlewell campsite in the Dales. Again everything worked well on a full site.

Get out there and enjoy what’s left of the summer, if you can get a booking. Take some gel with you and you will be ok.
Slapton C&CC this week. All good, everyone having a nice time...apart from the couple in the tent opposite, who sound like they’re about a week away from a divorce :rolleyes:
We’re down near perranporth at the moment. Well organised here on this site,plenty of people here but well spaced and facilities are having 2 deep cleans a day and spot cleans between that. Face covering are compulsory at the facilities and that is being observed by all. Really rather pleasant. Glad we decided to get a thetford it has served quite a few visits to the block for a piddle
Having a long weekend at York Beechwood CAMC site. It's pretty much full but the facilities seem to be coping ok given the 3 person occupancy restrictions. Far scarier being in Skipton yesterday on market day! Nice to be away in the van
Just back from 8 nights away in Northern Scotland (part of NC500 route). First site at Inverness closed toilets from 6pm until 8am but other sites had toilets open with some reduced showers/toilet cubicle/wash hand basins out of service. Dishwashing only one family at a time and toilets had notices advising when they were closed for cleaning. A few weeks ago the warden sanitised the services (tap and electric) on our pitch at Aboyne caravan site - a nice touch. Overall not had any bad experiences and always managed to empty chemical toilet etc on site.

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