Caravan & Camping Show NEC



VIP Member
Just got back from the Caravan and Camping show at the NEC. Overall very impressed. As has been said before, reinforced my conviction to the Cali; although, some of the T5 conversions had some real good points too.

Bought the Khyam Classic Awning from Campervantastic. Very impressed with both the product and both companies. Less impressed with Vango! We were contemplating buying a VangoAirBeam awning but they 1-didn't seemed interested, 2-lied about their competitor (Khyam) regarding spec, 3-stated that on no account would they negotiate on price and 4-couldn't guarantee delivery before May. In addition, although the build quality appeared excellent it is significantly heavier and bulkier than the Khyam.

Andy :hello
I too went to the NEC today with the intentions of choosing between the Khyam motor dome Classic and the Vango airbeam Kela.
In the end I went for the Khyam, would have liked to have gone for a new design but the part of the tent on the Vango where it would meet the side of the van did'nt seem it would be a good enough fit, we'll not as it was displayed :sad
I joined both the camping clubs (the heavy weights), what the hell I'm a newbie and can't wait to get out there :laugh2 bought a fire extinguisher and hookup lead with a few other bits.
All in all had a really good day. O' and as I turned up at the show a complete stranger shoved a complimentary ticket in my hand :bananadance .
Any one else out there go to the show? Was it just to have a browse,did you buy any thing? Why not let us know.
Yes I went.
I bought a khyam motordome tourer with gnd sheet and a cosi.
Good day out and good to see the awnings in one place.

VW California Club
