CarBridge - Carplay hack

Richard Hurst

Richard Hurst

T6.1 Ocean 150
Hi, Not sure if you've all seen this but you can now use this new app i you have a jailbroken iPhone. allows you to access your apps on the vehicle screen. I set my iPhone up yesterday and confirmed all working on the wives VW Tiguan. Could access Youtube, Waze, Google maps, AirVideoHD etc. More about it here -
I think the new IOS update in the autumn is going to allow waze ect to be used with apple car play. It will be a vast improvement on apple maps
Yes I hope so. As I tend to have a lot of times when I'm hanging around this is great now for using the Air Video HD App to stream TV shows off my computer at home to the iPhone so I can watch them on the bigger screen

VW California Club
