I cant seem to find a post from yourself implying I am weird. I'm not offended by anything TBH I'm a Yorkshire bloke with Scottish blood so does take a lot. I come on here to be part of something and if I can help with advise I will and yes I have opinions not always to peoples liking and have apologised in the past. But there seems to be individuals that don't read the whole thread and make comments or leave you guessing what they mean.A thought the "weird" comment was firmly tongue in cheek, that was the way I took it and sorry if you took offence. All Cali owners are a bit weird anyway, spending vast amounts of money to sleep in a tiny tin box can't be normal.
There's been a few lately i.e. the use as a daily driver thread, the copper slip the wheel bolt thread, the 204 V 150, the DSG V Manuel, Beach V Ocean, if you don't use your hob then that's why I bought a Beach comment.
We are all different We have all paid our money and despite what individuals think can do what ever we want with our possessions, as long as its not hurting anyone or against the law of the land.