During the winter months , especially were we live high in the Yorkshire dales, we get snow frequently, so the 2 small solar panels that are in my windscreen struggle to keep the leisure and vehicle batteries charged up , but summer months they are absolutely fine, so I have purchased a ctek charger and a powerbank , so the idea is to have a permanent connection to the vehicle battery and use the cigar lighter socket on the side of the kitchen to top up the batteries and alternate between the two batteries and plug into the power bank and bring the power bank back to the house when its needs charging, as I have no way of plugging into the main were it is parked , as anyone else tried this
Just had to fit a new vehicle battery at a cost of £280, so intend to loom after this one as best I can, it is also not convenient to keep taking it out for a run
Just had to fit a new vehicle battery at a cost of £280, so intend to loom after this one as best I can, it is also not convenient to keep taking it out for a run